Israeli Brain Wave Reading Chip Disarms Hamas, Hizbullah, Iran

Phones, GPS, RPGs, rockets using Einsteinian physics fail fanatics’ faith in 72 virgins, the archangel Gabriel and creationism.

Lester Golden
Thoughts And Ideas


A heavenly meeting

Anti-science theocratic magical thinking is no longer cost-free. Go to war with the nation of Einstein, Fermi, Feynman, Frisch, Szilard, Teller, Wigner and Oppenheimer and get blocked from using their science if you don’t buy it’s scientific worldview. You can have relativity physics or 72 virgins in heaven….but not both. You can have new tech with an old earth or old tech with a new earth created in 6 days less than 6000 years ago.

Age of rocks defeats rock of ages in rerun of Scopes Monkey Trial

How? Israeli tech wizards have now cancelled modernization without westernization by inventing a chip that disables users’ devices when it detects brain wave signatures unique to religious magical thinking. Either Mohammed’s winged horse or his believers’ rockets can fly, but not both:

  • Think Mohammed ascended to heaven from Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock on the wings of the archangel Gabriel, and your GPS and mobile phone shut down….along with your RPG.



Lester Golden
Thoughts And Ideas

From Latvia & Porto I write to share learning from an academic&business life in 8 languages in 5 countries & seeing fascism die in Portugal&Spain in1974 & 1976.