Joe Biden’s Inauguration of the Soul

Christine Quaglia
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
6 min readJan 21, 2021


Sasan Hezarkhani (

Joe Biden’s Inauguration Day was a long, long, long, long time coming and it was well worth the wait. I can say that now because the American Carnage, foreshadowed by the one who ultimately created the carnage is, at least for today, over. Everyone was on good behaviour, even those who aided and abetted the man who almost upended a nation. The men could have easily cost the country they are sworn to protect this peaceful transition of power had, at least for today, not succeeded.

They had not, because of a press who, largely, pushed back and told the truth for the past four years. They had not because of an electorate and its warriors, like Stacey Abrams, who organized and worked tirelessly to ensure that democracy would not be overcome by tyranny, by insurrection, by fear.

They had not because the soul is the only thing that endures and the soul of a nation is made up of the souls of its citizens. Souls that Joe Biden spoke to from his own. Souls that Joe Biden reignited. Souls that were reminded, despite all evidence to the contrary, they were still alive and so was their nation and it was all worth saving.

Today, unlike four years ago when it undeniably rained, the sun shone. There were periods of cloud and snow always followed by a brilliant sun. I couldn’t help but notice those patterns. Simple patterns of weather but, today…

