Just Because You’re Not Interested in Politics Doesn’t Mean Politics Isn’t Interested in You

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2022
Photo by Jent Jiang on Unsplash

“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” ― Voltaire

What a time to be alive! The last two years have shown me that living far away from human civilization is probably the only way to survive. Not to survive from a virus but from the insanity of the humans around me.

Our mind is shaped based on things that enter our physical senses. It’s easy to manipulate a population. Just bombard them with lies on a daily basis through TV and social media. Sooner or later they will believe that those lies are the truth. Tell them what to fear and they will live in fear of nonexistent things. Tell them whom to hate and they will start hating those fake enemies.

People would rather go to the gym and build their muscle rather than strengthen their mind through thinking and meditation. We now have advanced technology and running hot water yet mental illness is prevalent in our society. Most people are actually just automatons whose minds are controlled by those who aim to divide and conquer us.

Though the world has always been in a constant chaos, the last few years have awakened so many people including me. Many of us have realised that the world government is not only corrupt but is also run by a bunch of psychopaths who have done horrors beyond our comprehension. The things that I came to discover led me to sleepless nights for years. Hope was like grains of sand which I could never grasp. Life felt meaningless and God was just playing dice.

My internal turmoil was complete when I noticed that most people just don’t care about what’s going on. They are too occupied with their own affairs. Their empathy is even dictated by their government. They empathise only when things are shown on TV. That explains why people put the Ukraine flag on their social media instead of the flag of Palestine or the other countries in the Middle East, Africa, Latin America and Asia. There are ongoing wars in other places yet it’s never reached our attention because these people are not interesting for our government. There are starving kids who have to look for food on the mountains of trash but they have no geopolitical value. Somehow we have to focus our energy on loving and hating certain countries.

Now Europe is on the brink of war yet the Europeans seem to be obliviously happy. They are still rooting for Ukraine without even understanding the reason behind this invasion. They are not even aware that Nazism is flourishing in Ukraine even though it’s plastered all over mainstream media before February 2022.

Regions in eastern Ukraine have decided to rejoin Russia after the recent referendum. It’s not surprising since they have been shelled daily by their fellow Ukrainians since the regime change sponsored by the US in 2014. This referendum is being followed by the blowing up of the Russian Nord Stream pipeline in the Baltic Sea. The government of the country where I live, Belgium, recently closed a nuclear power plant that supplied 10% of national energy amidst the crisis. Europe’s economy will be declining even further. Winter will be cold for many of us. And it’s all by design.

Today a thought came to me. It says that what we’re facing today is what we deserve. We are part of the whole yet we choose to be wilfully ignorant even when information is just at the tip of our fingers. Our actions and thoughts create a chain of events that can only be felt when things go really good or otherwise. Just like our organs. We know our heart and lungs are there in our chest yet we don’t feel them when we are healthy. Only when we run out of breath can we feel their presence. Only when they are damaged can we know their importance. Our consciousness is triggered through tragedies.

Many of us would avoid politics because it’s too bothersome. It takes time and energy to understand politics or just to know what’s going on around the globe. As long as we have a roof over our head, food on the table, running water and whatever bonus there is in our lives, that is enough. No need to be concerned about what’s happening to those who are less fortunate. No need to know what kind of policies those politicians are making for us and our children in that shiny ivory tower.

It looks like the system is designed in such a way to drug us until we become unconscious. It takes crisis over crisis to wake us up. And even so the majority are still sleeping. They think that the problems would be solved by voting though they are fully aware they are just casting their choice between two evils.

I have seen videos of sons, brothers, fathers being dragged to wars that they don’t want. I have read stories from people who lost their jobs over unconstitutional mandates for a virus with 98% survival rate. If we look back, yes, we helped create this situation by complying and sleeping through life.

We have been conditioned that the opposite of love is hate. The truth is that the opposite of love is indifference. People would blame evil for all the atrocities that took place in this world. The reality is that the most horrible horrors this Earth has ever seen happened because of human apathy.

