Lessons From Failure

How failing can be a blessing if you are willing to learn from it

Brian Sansom
Thoughts And Ideas
5 min readOct 14, 2020


Photo: Stephen-Isaiah/Unsplash/CC BY-SA 4.0

One of the greatest obstacles preventing people from taking action is the fear of failure. Whether a person is pursuing a new hobby or a career change, that innate fear is an ever-present shackle that will stop a person from taking those first steps. Yet, avoidance is futile. We all fall down at some point, however, it is how we treat the experience that determines whether the failure is a setback or a lesson.

Failure means that you deigned to try. It is not an embarrassment, it is a part of the process. The road to my accomplishments was never a straight path. I have faced obstacles both unexpected and of my own design. However, I have been able to attain every important goal that I have set for myself. Failure has been the greatest teacher in my life. The lessons have helped me shoulder life’s blows and work through the most difficult moments.

Accept what you cannot change

Acceptance is not the same as surrender. It is a recognition that circumstances have presented themselves such that any action that you take will not change the present situation. The scenario is not always as morbid as bodily impairment or death.

When I received a notification that my bar exam results were posted, my heart rate doubled. This was the moment that I had worked for. Passing the bar exam would mean that I was a lawyer. Unfortunately, my name was not on the list of exam takers that passed.

I was angry with the exam results, I was angry with myself. I was fearful of my future as I looked at my student loan debt. This was not a situation that I could reason my way out of. There was no amount of cursing or trying or begging that would change the outcome. I had failed.

Individuals frequently attempt to avoid unpleasant feelings when faced with stressful situations…paradoxically, accepting (versus avoiding) negative emotions may be associated with lower levels of negative affect and decreased depressive symptoms. — Let it be: Accepting negative emotional experiences predicts decreased negative affect and depressive symptoms. Behav Res Ther. 2010

Accepting the reality of a situation is a powerful first step. There is a reason that rehabilitation programs preach that a person must accept that they have a problem. You are cutting through all pretense and excuse and acknowledging that there is an unavoidable set of circumstances before you. Acceptance will allow you to put aside unproductive behaviors and processes and instead focus on what happens next.

Don’t stand still, take affirmative steps

After acceptance, there must be action. You can accept that your head is underwater, but if you don’t start paddling, you will drown. Your present circumstances are not necessarily a permanent fixture that will define your life in the long-term.

Action can take many forms, it does not have to be a direct assault on the problem. If you are experiencing difficulty at work, try consulting with a colleague. When faced with a sudden health problem, speak to your doctor, and get a second opinion, especially if your mental health is suffering. Just by taking the steps to gather resources, you are already in a better position than when you started.

Nobody can predict with certainty how a situation will resolve itself. By taking affirmative steps and addressing the problem head-on, you are better equipped to control the outcome. Failure is only a defeat if you stop in your tracks.

Evolve or die

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” — Rita Mae Brown

Sometimes our failures and hardships are not happenstance, they are the result of patterns of behavior that yield undesired outcomes. If you get a bad grade on one test, it could be a fluke. If you get bad grades for an entire semester, there is a deeper cause.

Unfortunately, individuals are too close to the problem to see things clearly, which makes it difficult to be proactive. It helps to form a positive network of friends, family, and colleagues to gain an objective insight. Even reaching out to a mental health professional can help disrupt undesirable behavioral and decision-making processes. This requires trust and a willingness to accept opinions and viewpoints that might contradict your own perceptions. Only by recognizing that there could be faults in your decision-making can you take corrective measures.

By resisting introspection and stubbornly maintaining the status quo, it is difficult to grow as a person. We are all changing throughout our lives and facing different challenges. In order to prevail and thrive, we have to adapt to those changes.

Do not let fear control your life

There is a difference between making an informed decision and making a scared decision. Any significant decision in life carries some level of risk. Getting married risks divorce. Going to college risks debt. Riding a bike risks injury. Managing risk means putting on a helmet before you ride your bike. Fearing risk means never getting on the bike in the first place.

Following my first difficult year of law school, after a period of extensive cursing, I had to make a decision as to my future as an attorney. If I continued forward, I would be faced with triple the amount of debt I had already incurred. Failing at that level could be financially ruinous. On the other hand, if I quit law school after the first year, I could go back and use my business degree, maybe go for an MBA.

I chose to pursue what I loved. I came to the decision after identifying the motivating factor that pushed me towards quitting, fear. I was afraid of failing again and I was afraid of the potential consequences of another failure. I did not want to live my life wondering whether I could have made it as an attorney, so I forged ahead. I don’t regret it.

The only true way to avoid risk and failure is to live a completely sedentary and isolated life. You wake up, you go to sleep, and 50 years pass you by. There is a beautiful and fulfilling world outside of your door, do not hide from it.



Brian Sansom
Thoughts And Ideas

An attorney by trade, a writer at heart. I sincerely believe in the power of words and ideas. Hoping to make my own meaningful contribution.