Make More Mistakes

Why learning from MISTAKES Is The Only Skill You Really Need!

John shayo
Thoughts And Ideas
5 min readApr 28, 2022


Many people in the world have fallen in love with the development children pass through when they start walking. They fall several times and pick themselves up again and again until they finally master the craft of walking. We can all admit we have witnessed such success stories if not being a part of that amazing journey while we were young. As we grow up we become more rational. We approach things with a winning mentality and in time we forget to acknowledge the fact that making mistakes is a part of the journey to winning.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

According to Christoper Walker (2018), Over the years, digital technologies have transformed how people understand and interact with the world around them. New social platforms now play a critical role in providing news and information. But the powerful algorithms that are the beating heart of these platforms tend to prioritize what is popular over what is important for civic and public affairs.

With the rise of social media and the advancement of technology most people on the internet claim to learn something extremely difficult within a few days.

You will hear people say:

I learned how to write in 7 days.

I gained muscles in a month.

I learned how to code in three months.

I read 300 books in 7 days.

Don’t get me wrong. I still believe that everything is possible and anyone can achieve anything with the right efforts, resources, and strong support system. What I don’t want people to get me wrong is that to some extent the world has been shaped and manipulated to make us see that making mistakes is a bad thing. Taking too long to master a certain skill or craft wastes your time to succeed and mistakes should be avoided at all costs. Of course, reckless mistakes should be avoided

Albert Einstein once said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

You are a human being. You are not perfect. For some reason, you have been making a lot of mistakes that you are not even proud of.

I get it. Failure and mistakes are tough and sour pills to take. We all have one thing in common. We want to be good at something. No matter if it’s sport, science, dating, speaking a new language, playing an instrument, or my case having good grades. We try to get better and better to one day call ourselves the master of the CRAFT.

It is impossible to achieve great things within a few days. Great things take time. But I feel it has an impact on how we approach things. We are impatient and we want to see instant success. But after some time of passing through a lot of downs and ups, I can confirm that is not how things work.

I grew up from a very humble beginning. For most of my life, I’ve never lived with my parents and relatives. This experience has made me believe the only way to make it in life is to work hard and become the best at everything I do. But the reality is no one is ever the best at everything. I know I can narrate my whole life here but that’s not the point I want to pass across. The point I want to make here is that it takes so much longer time than we think to become good at something. And to become the best at something, we have to make a lot of mistakes. We have to pass through a lot of criticism and a life-set grading system which in the end shows who has failed at something or has passed. We have different standards put up by people I don’t even know, about what it means to be successful and not.

Photo by Yasin Yusuf on Unsplash

But the truth is we can set our standards of success and failure in our minds and abide by them. Let no one define what is failure to you. I know I am writing this after seeing my horrible grades in my university courses, but still, that doesn’t define who I will be. They are grades and marks which should push me to work harder not demotivate me.

So what’s the proper way forward according to me: Learn, practice, Reflect and Repeat.

I believe consistency is the key to success in any CRAFT. To truly learn something you have to first experience failure. Failure or mistakes do not choose which path you’ve passed in life. They will still show up even if you are a billionaire, a poor person, a smart person, or whoever it might be. It’s those small mistakes that shape us to become the people we are today.

In the end, if you have to be good at something mistakes have to happen. The sooner the better.

As of now, you should have known I am a person who makes a lot of mistakes. I believe a mistake is a price you pay to become better at something. They are painful to take and hard to admit and that’s why we think other people never make mistakes. That’s why I like to push myself into uncomfortable and hard situations because probably I am going to make more mistakes there and also going to learn a lot more. I am going to improve a lot more. You don’t get better at a language by repeating one sentence all the time. You don’t become a better student bypassing one subject all the time.

So allow yourself to make more mistakes. As stupid as it sounds it will work in the end. However, don’t make mistakes and dwell in the same place without changing how you approach things in life. Make mistakes, learn from them, and move forward. If you get a chance to learn from other people’s mistakes it is still a great way to learn. Learn from your mistakes and in the end, you may call yourself a master of your CRAFT.

Peace out! Don’t forget: Learn, practice, Reflect and Repeat.



John shayo
Thoughts And Ideas

Reader | Entrepreneur | Upcoming writer | Social Scientist in the Making | student at African Leadership University, Mauritius.