Microdosing, Menopause, and Me.

Mindy Stern
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
8 min readApr 27, 2022



I’m not a doctor, a biochemist, a scientific professional of any sort. Just a 54-year-old woman here to tell you a story. This is not a how to and I’m not giving advice. That’s my disclaimer. Take from my words what you want, discard the rest.

The typical woman spends 10 years of her life bleeding. Goopy, sappy, thick, thin, crimson or blush. Blood flows from our bodies, sometimes on to our jeans or gym shorts, our bed sheets, and everyone’s favorite, white pants. We lose countless hours of our lives making sure we have panty liners, tampons, and pads within reach.

In our lifetime, we spend an average of $1,773.33 on tampons, $443.33 on panty liners, $4,752 on pads, $2,280 replacing underwear, and $1,229.83 on painkillers. Even if we have health insurance, none of that is covered. The single most predictable, consistent healthcare cost of a woman’s life is out of pocket.

God forbid we call in sick because we’re doubled over with debilitating cramps.

Typically, menses is only stopped by disease, medications, surgery, or pregnancy. And menopause. “The End.” Some women lament the end of menstruation and fertility. Not me. Last year, after my period had been absent for 13 months, I celebrated. Hallefuckinglujah it’s over! The end has arrived! Dance a jig, sing a song!

