My Hurtful Habit

Once I stopped, my life improved

Dominique Williams
Thoughts And Ideas


Image by clarencealford on Pixabay

Helping ourselves is often a double-edged sword handed to a blind monkey walking a tightrope over lava. It’s hard to know exactly what “help” works and what is nonsense or worse.

Through trial and error, I’ve picked up and discarded tons of habits promising success, happiness, and even riches. But one sticks out among the rest.

And it’s one I continue to use today.

The habit I cut out for the better, is actually more a mindset that creates many different habits. It’s the habit of specific “helpful” self-talk that actually hurt way more than it ever promised to help.

What mindset or self-talk am I referring to?

The Productivity-Efficiency Mindset

This mindset often touts being the “smart” way to do things. Finding the quickest, most efficient way to accomplish each individual step to your goal makes sense, right?

Well, that depends on what we’re defining as “efficient.” The best way isn’t always the fastest.


Here’s a good example of how it can go awry:

I spoke with someone a few days ago that was having trouble motivating themselves to work toward…



Dominique Williams
Thoughts And Ideas

I am here to spread compassion, love, and peace- though that may not be nice, sexy, or happy.