India Is In Trouble: Downfall Of The Modi Government and media

Case Study — Medias ingenious way of bending the truth to influence people in supporting the Modi Government

Shanker Mahadev
Thoughts And Ideas
6 min readJul 7, 2021


Image by Sambeet D from Pixabay

DISCLAMER: All links depict facts and data which are from credible sources. Thank you and enjoy reading!

India is the most populous democracy in the world. It takes prides in its liberty, right to information, and transparency. Yet most people don’t know what (the hell) is happening. All one can do is follow the media. But what happens if they bend the truth? Screwed right?

Political state of India —

Over the last 7 years, BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party reflected as Hindu Nationalist party) has won majority votes and secured absolute dominance. The Prime Minister (of India) Narendra Modi has become very popular because of his peculiar style in oration and ideologies. He has the power to melt audiences and a persona his opposition can’t ignore. But as for his leadership? I’m not so sure.

The rise in BJP government was possible because of their vision — to end corruption and bring development. With promises to increase the export, infrastructure, employment and bring overall development in India — the people of India were excited. So what’s the state of their actions?

The growth is sluggish with the rates of employment and export dropping. On the bright side, there is an increase in infrastructure. Regardless, the overall GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is staggering.

Despite these signs, the popularity of Narendra Modi has only increased. Truth is that many Indians worship him. For he has received the status of a god. Our so called democratic India is now “The Modi Government”. And as for the competition, he is far ahead.

And this terrifies me. So what has made the rise of Modi possible?

It’s the lies. And the media that backs them. From the beginning of his reign until now, the popularity of Narendra Modi amongst the media has increased. At first there were media channels that resisted the government and showed their underminings. But over the years their support has increased. A group of such media channels — popularly referred as Godi media — strongly assist the Modi government and backs them.

Modi boasts about the development and job creation over the last few years. However, the data doesn’t back his claims. The GDP and the employment rates have dropped over the last 7 years (graph in link). But the media consistently lauds “The Modi Government”. Perhaps the pandemic and demonetization affected the growth. However, the rates have dropped steadily since the beginning.

Regardless, the mistakes aren’t the problem. It’s the facts they bend. Narendra Modi and the Godi media continue to say boast India’s growth (by lying) and defend their government by blaming opposition. I agree the old government made a ton of mistakes. But people voted for a change. And not to accuse them.

By hiding the truth, they continue to persuade people. Using the strongest weapon of fear and emotion — they influence people. By depicting BJP supporters as nationalists and everyone else as anti-national. They leave people with a few options. Join them or be a mutiny.

The irony is that the opposition does the same. There has been a heavy rise in opposition amongst the youth. Social media has started a movement in bashing the modi government. They have come with factual proof exposing the government and their fascistic propaganda. By advertising fascism, there is a tremendous outburst amongst people. Again, instigating fear. Hypocritical? I think so too.

Now tell me where would you stand in such a situation? It might appear simple, but it’s not. Let me take you back to my story

A few years back, I didn’t know the abcs of politics. All I could hear were whispers. And it gave me enough information to know what is happening. But as I grew older, the whispers got louder. In the beginning, my parents started influencing me. Gradually I started following their dogmas. And my opinions grew stronger, just like theirs. I adopted confirmation biases to strengthen my opinions.

But it changed when I entered college. Soon I met young people that shared a different opinion. At first I denied. Fleet and protested. There was no way I could go against — my parents, my blood. But soon you realize you gotta fit in. So I read about their views on social media. I resisted. Gradually I adapted and grew on them.

On one side there is Godi media enriching the Modi government supporters and on the other there is Social media (and Non-Godi media) fight — against the government.

We might not be fighting wars, but we’re fighting each other.

-Sushant Divgikar

That’s when it hit me. Our view are not actually ‘our views’. They are mere ideas formed by a person. Spread like Chinese whisper. Just like the game, we share information — available to us. Only the initiator knows what’s actually happening. The rest of us know what the predecessor understands. And that’s the power of media. The political leaders (Initiators) can say or do anything if the media backs them.

An average person like us will never know the actual truth. What we hear is what they choose to say. To be honest, it’s easier to talk to God than to know what the government is doing.

The fundamental definition and role of news media — is to deliver news to the public. Deliver news and not opinions. Yet they do. In fact, most of them are very persuasive and opinionated.

Here are some instances where the right and left wing media instigate opinions.

Godi Media —

News anchor Arnab Goswami’s — way of asking rhetoric questions and sharing opinions — persuades audiences to pick sides without thinking.

Non Godi Media —

Social media Activist Dhruv Rathe — who tries to expose the Modi government and Arnab for influencing the people. Yet they do the same. Showing reeks of hypocrisy.

If you don’t believe me, try to watch their clips. 10 seconds is all it takes to — pick sides. They act more like politicians than news anchors. After a while you watch them — not to receive news; but strengthen your opinion.

Whether it’s right or wrong, we enjoy watching what we like to hear. It’s entertainment. And many media channels use these biases to influence us.

It horrifies me. Seeing millions of people falling for lies. And pouncing at each other. In fact, I don’t know what’s the truth anymore. So what do we do? Do we accept the fact and give up? Or stand against the media?

The only way I see is — be open to criticism. It’s okay to follow a leader. But don’t forget to hear the opposition. Their voice matters too. Be open-minded because there’s no political party/leader that’s perfect. Let’s embrace it. Next time someone criticises your idol — Listen. And don’t debate. The moment you play blame games you lose.

Same goes for politicians. During political debates, when leaders blame each other. They hide the truth. Else why wouldn’t they confront the problem? Easiest way to shut any opposition is by proving them wrong. Yet, they use defence mechanisms like humor and projection to protect themselves.

This was my first attempt at writing about politics and probably my last. Not because I didn’t enjoy it. But regarding politics, I don’t really know what is true and what isn’t. Following both sides, I realised — most politicians (and some media personalities) are so deep (in character) that they are mere pawns following instructions. In fact, it’s a disease spreading like a virus. Only this time it’s terminal.

Let’s wake up before it’s too late.

