The Astonishing History of Plastic Bottles

Take a Guess - How Much Percent of All Plastic Is Recycled?

Thoughts And Ideas


Photo by Matthias Reumann on Unsplash

Plastic is everywhere. It has been called a miracle material, and it really is. But there are many problems associated with plastic. There has been a trend to a more environmentally aware society, and that is a good thing, by all means. However, studies have shown that this environmental awareness stops at the moment of disposal. Do you know what happens with your waste after you throw it into the bin? A common belief is that it will be recycled, but that is unfortunately rarely the case.

This article is not a solution to that problem. It is an introduction to an economic and political problem for which, as far as I understand, is not a comprehensive solution within sight. Nevertheless, in this article, I present the short story of plastic which provides you the gist of the complex problem of recycling and waste management. Additionally, in the References section at the end, you will find material to start digging yourself.

The Past

Plastic is not so old. Only in 1907, Leo Baekeland, a Belgian chemist, who also invented photographic printing paper, developed the first fully synthetic plastic called Bakelite. Not long after, in the 1940s to 1950s, it already signaled prosperity and progress. A…

