Questions, Asking the right ones

Allan Joseph
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readSep 29, 2017

“To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.”-Albert Einstein

When we were little kids, we questioned everything around us.

“Why is the sky blue?”, “why are grasses green?”, “Why does the spider have 8 legs?”

Our mind was filled with a lot of questions whenever we see or hear a lot of new things. We asked the questions blindly to people around us, without being worried about how they judge us based on our questions. We were simply good with the art of asking questions, in our early life .

As we grew up, we started to become aware of the people around us and their thoughts, Judgements about us. This consciousness overshadowed our curiosity and urge to ask questions.

The questions in our mind deceased as our mind grew up and the art of asking questions was forgotten.

Great innovators and inventive people do not stop questioning things around them. Asking questions is the single most important factor that differentiate Innovators from the common man.

If you want to be successful in the work you care about, then you have to let go of the “I have done it all, seen it all attitude” so that you will learn to embrace the new ways of thinking.

Questions deepen your comprehension of the issues before you make up your mind, hence paving the way for better decision making.

Albert Einstein asked, “What would the universe look like if I traveled through it at the speed of light?”

Isaac Newton asked, “Why does an apple fall from a tree?”, “Why doesn’t the moon fall into the Earth?”

By asking these kinds of fundamental questions they were able to come up with tremendous breakthroughs in physics.

Steve Jobs asked, “How do we make phones better?”

Elon musk asked, “How do we make electric cars that drive faster and better than regular cars?”

Most innovative companies of our time are better at asking marvelous questions that probe the limits creativity and allow people to take things a step further to find amazing ideas to solve everyday problems.

The art of asking questions can open the doors you eagerly wait to open in your life. Whether you want a job, a friend, a partner, find your life’s purpose — it all requires better questions to be asked.

Successful people tend to be better at asking questions

In a fast-paced world where smartphones and its apps cash in on our time, we lack the mindset and patience to ask questions that would dramatically change our perspective and bring out innovation.

As we grow out of the illusion of childhood and learn the real truth about the world, our fear of people’s perception about us become a drug that kills our curiosity and and our ability to question.

Questions are fundamental to shape our knowledge about the world around us, the better we are at shaping these questions, the better we are equipped to become innovators who can dramatically influence and change the life of people around us and ours.We should ask more, better questions to be better at whatever we dream to achieve.

“The answers you get from literature depend on the questions you pose.”-Margaret Atwood

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Allan Joseph
Thoughts And Ideas

Aspiring tech Influencer, Voracious reader, Passionate public speaker, and a blogger, engineer graduate of NIT Trichy, working engineer