Reacting to Indian Content is the New Rave of YouTube. Here are 5 Reasons Why it Works

Do you want a million subscribers with no investment?

Aravind Balakrishnan
Thoughts And Ideas


Image by Omar Medina Films from Pixabay

My friend and I( we are Indians) once decided to make an ambitious Youtube Channel. It was designed to educate people on how they can imbibe English lessons from Hollywood movies.

We went ahead creating elaborate scripts, buying fancy equipment, renting a room as our studio and diligently posting our videos. Sadly though, the response from the audience was bitterly lukewarm.

The disheartened us eventually took our videos off the platform, promising ourselves to resurface someday.

But then we saw those foreigners’ reaction videos, where people managed to rake in millions of views by just giving their reactions(or may I say over-reactions in some cases).

Most of these vloggers have zero preparation, zero investment and sometimes zero interest in what they are doing.

Yet, they sell like hotcakes amidst 1.3 billion Indian citizens, making us look like idiots who couldn’t read our people. They watch the desi content and offer their ‘Haha’, ‘Oh My Gods’, ‘Ooophs’, ‘Aaahs’ and keep the viewers hooked.



Aravind Balakrishnan
Thoughts And Ideas

Introvert or Shy? Not sure. Bibliophile or Cine-buff? Both. Nethead or Story-writer? Still dunno. All I know is I want to write to live and I live to write.