RSPH OldMoor

Paul Brookes
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
1 min readMar 23, 2017
Photo By Paul Brookes

From our skies small figures
in camouflage plumage, laden with binoculars
and scopes wend between hides.

We record them as they record us.
We are Royal Society For Protection
of Humans.

Nothing worse than for humans
to sense they have no control
over their landscape

so we make it seem they care
for us, design this site, build the hides,
nurture our nature.

They must feel valued and necessary,
and make their own decisions.
Sometimes the females carry all the equipment.

Stats: 3 Widowers, 2 female single parents
And 3 young, 4 unemployed males, 7 volunteers.



Paul Brookes
Thoughts And Ideas

Writer, historian,fam & loc., shop assist., security guard, postman, admin. assistant, photographer, lecturer, performer with "Rats for Love". Counter intuitive