
Amidst the vast unknowable, all is awakening.

Conor Detwiler
Thoughts And Ideas
2 min readNov 12, 2018


We tend to live within a timeline, or a semi-linear narrative. This is where I’m coming from, this is where I’m going. These are my life experiences. This is who I am, and what might happen, good or bad. This caused this, and that caused that, and could lead to this. These are the things that made me who I am today.

Yet if we deeply reflect, all of this is taking place amidst such a vast scope of space and time that all of our narratives, and even all recorded history, are like a small dot on a blank canvas.

If you were to awaken on a small vessel in the middle of the ocean, with endless water on all sides, it would be impossible to sense initially whether you drifted in one direction or another. If that ocean were as broad as time and space, you could drift a lifetime and get nowhere, and with no orienting context (should we also pretend that you have no help from the sun or stars), nor would you perceive directional movement. With no frame of reference, you would effectively be always still.

So are we in time and space. We invent frames of reference all around us – narratives and institutions – but even they, amidst the scope of the universe, are unmoored. No matter what we theorize, discover, achieve or build, reality will always be infinitely deeper and broader than our grasp of it.

And yet if there is no real orientation to our human activity, then it is never late, nor early for us. We are not moving on a trajectory through time. Conditions (including our bodies) and situations change, but essentially we are always still. In infinite space, we are always at the center of the universe, because the center of infinity is everywhere. Likewise the center of eternity is every moment.

Don’t grasp – release! Let go of small and artificial frames of reference and awaken to the contextless and vibrant stillness that you have always been: you are always in exactly the right place to do so.

Please feel free to get in touch for meditation classes or spiritual counseling over video.

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Conor Detwiler
Thoughts And Ideas

Meditation teacher and spiritual counselor in Buenos Aires, working over video in English and Spanish.