The Best Advice You’ll Ever Receive is No Advice At All.

Maria San
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
4 min readFeb 6, 2023


Advice is not the answer.

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

Living our lives based on other people’s advice. We have all been there. Struggling with something or feeling unsure about a situation and asking for advice. Feeling the need for someone to guide us when we can’t guide ourselves.

It’s normal and it’s okay to ask for advice as sometimes it can be very helpful and valuable. But how can we be so sure that the other person has life figured out or their advice can 100% be applied to our situation? We can’t be sure. Whoever we ask for advice usually doesn't know every aspect of our situation and oftentimes this advice ends up being just a bunch of words we’ll forget as soon as we think of our situation again.

Just like Ricky Gervais once said, The best advice I’ve ever received is.. No one else knows what they are doing either. And It's true. Sometimes the best advice is no advice at all. It usually offends us when we see someone who seems to have figured out their life more than we do. Or when they pretend to understand our lives more than we do. We can always ask for advice from a friend, family, co-worker, or pretty much anyone, and most won’t hesitate to tell us what our relationship should look like, how we should be spending our time and with who, what we should be eating, how we should be acting, etc. Now, usually…



Maria San
Thoughts And Ideas

The world through my eyes. I love anything self-improvement and mental health-related. So that’s what I write about or anything else that catches my attention.