The Dragon Portal

Nalini MacNab
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2017

“I was in meditation and was shown a perfectly symmetrical, square opening. Each side of the square was guarded by a dragon. The dragons were very much alive.”

“What colours were they? Did they have specific tasks or functions?” The group of assembled women wanted to know. Shawls slipped from shoulders and malas swung forward as they leaned in to listen.

“Not that I recall,” replied Leslie.

Leslie Temple-Thurston and the five women gathered, studied with the same enlightened Teacher for many years. Leslie had begun the awakening process a bit before most of the others and had been teaching for many years. She felt that it was time to work through the experiences of the early years with their Teacher, so the women gathered in the desert to move as much energy as possible in a short amount of time.

“What was it? The image, I mean. What was its purpose? What did the dragons represent?” Nalini was curious indeed, as her eyes had begun to leak the moment Leslie began telling the story. Leslie looked directly at Nalini for the first time that day. The two of them had been busy, helping the others to move any leftover angst from that earlier time.

“You haven’t heard this story before?”

Nalini shook her head, no, as tears continued to leak from her eyes, coursing down her cheeks. She didn’t feel like weeping, it simply happened.

“It was a portal, obviously.”

“But what kind? What was it for? Where did it lead?” That last query made Nalini’s eyes water more profusely.

“It was a portal out of this world, is what I am hearing right now” Leslie replied. “I have no other information than that to give you.”

“Why is my body weeping then?” Nalini wanted to laugh, but her body was in tears.

“That opening means something to you. Sit with it and see. You are the Seer in the room, after all.”

Nalini grimaced at Anya, also a Seer, but closed her weeping eyes to look, observe, and see.

“A way out,” she finally whispered. “It was a way out, and the dragons were so happy to hold that space! They tell me my body weeps because it knows my awareness lives on the other side… and my body thinks I want to leave it behind.”

“Oh! I remember now that you said that. It was an initiation of some kind, into embodiment. “ Leslie was smiling now.

Embodiment. Yes. The agreement written into the parameters of an incarnation of experience that marked a chosen path. Through enlightenment, blossoming into illumination and on into the full embodiment thereof. One of many role models, archetypes of illumined living.

“Yes.” Nalini had no words for the understanding but it shifted her body. As she rose to make her way to the loo to wash up, she smiled at Leslie.

“I need to walk out to the shrine now.” The desert called its strong and silent summons. Nalini knew she needed to place her feet upon the land.

“I was just going to mention that,” Victoria chimed in. “The resort closed to the public an hour ago so we should have the caves to ourselves if we go now, before it gets dark.”

The others thought that was a fine idea so they donned boots and caps and coats and prepared for the hike up the hillside to the Earth Cave Sanctuary.

The small retreat was held at Origin, Rancho de San Juan, outside of Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Earth Cave Sanctuary, a shrine to the Divine Mother called Windows of the Earth, was carved into the sandstone of a local hillside by artist Ra Paulette. The quiet and deep peace within the chambers is a rare experience, even more so when the Sanctuary is closed to the public as it was on this evening.

Nalini, Anya, Victoria, Blanca and the others spent some time inside the shrine, moving from chamber to chamber, admiring the artistry and imagining what it might be like to live in a space carved from Mother Earth and dedicated as sacred space.

“It needs a tower for the wifi though,” said Anya. When the others looked appalled, she shrugged. “A cave experience is what we’re all after but in this world we have to earn money.”

The little band of warriors laughed, acknowledging the strange incarnation in which they found themselves, then began the meandering hike back to the resort and their lodgings for the night. The moon would be new that evening. No one had brought a torch and it wouldn’t do to try to find their way back across the desert without light.

“What happened right after your first awakening?” one of the women asked Nalini. The other women had been curious.

“At first, one sort of looks around amazed, and that happens at every stage. “ Nalini laughed. “Then there was a questioning feeling of ‘what next’. When I felt that, I was given an experience of sitting center stage in front of thousands of people, like our Teacher used to do.”

The other women laughed at that. So did Nalini.

“Yes. I back-pedaled at lightspeed. I was not about to ‘become’ that, that form, that way of teaching, no one’s guru, none of it! But that was ego, of course. It doesn’t leave you all at once.”

“What happened then?” Victoria asked.

“Then the Divine said to me, ‘We will find something you might enjoy more’, and I could feel HER laughter.”

“So toward the end of that phase of awakening, though one never knows it is a phase until it passes, I was asked if I would be interested in assisting in the re-balancing of the Divine Feminine energies on this world at this time.”

“And you said ‘yes’.” Victoria knew this part of the story.

“Wouldn’t you have done?” The other women laughed and nodded. The lodgings were up ahead and everyone needed to freshen up and change for dinner.

The dining room at Origins is, like the rest of the resort, a small work of art in stone, wood, and quiet ambience. The women might have been casually dressed for the daily gathering, and donned jeans and hiking boots for the trip to the sanctuary, but dinner required a bit more refinement.

Anya turned, on her way to the casita she shared with Blanca.

“What happened then?” she asked, over her shoulder.

“After I agreed?” Nalini shrugged. “The dragons say they started dancing.”

Laughing still, the warriors left to transform themselves once more, this time for dinner.

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Nalini MacNab
Thoughts And Ideas

I live, learn, write, create and share the experience of embodying HER Infinite Love.