The End of "Freedom of Religion": The Case of Idrissa Gueye

Nour Alhakk
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2022


France demonizes the Senegalese-Muslim Footballer for refusing to promote LGBTQ.

France demonizes the Senegalese-Muslim Footballer, Idrissa Gueye,  for refusing to promote LGBTQ.
Idrissa Gueye (Source: Wikimedia Commons)

Assume there is a hooligan who is waiting to harass a woman. Whom will he tease? A woman wearing Hijab, or one wearing a tank top or shorts?

The answer is clear. It's common sense. But some people don't want to face reality. Some people like to create fiction!

A year ago, an imam of a French mosque was fired by the order of Interior Minister Gerald Darmain after he criticized some Muslim women who don't wear the Hijab. The imam's speech was deemed "contrary to the values of the Republic."

Hijab does not degrade a woman but uplifts a woman and protects her modesty and chastity. But what can we expect from someone like Darmain, who has been accused of raping women!. France 24 also reports that 100% of women are sexually harassed on public transport, and a woman is raped every seven minutes!

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has been accused of rape and sexual harassment.
French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin has been accused of rape and sexual harassment. (Source: Wikipedia)

In the same year, Darmain fired another imam for reciting a verse in the Quran that addressed the wives of the Prophet Muhammad. What was that Quranic verse?

Quran (33:32–33)



Nour Alhakk
Thoughts And Ideas

An avid writer with invaluable knowledge in religion, history, and politics.