Mercy Bhaskar
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readApr 18, 2017



Hey ! Can we all just take out blinds off for a moment ? Thank you .

Snapchat CEO apparently called India a poor country . Yes , I’m disappointed too.

I’m more disappointed by the how true it is than with the snapchat CEO for saying it .

I saw people posting long essays on how powerful India is or how easily they can bring him (snapchat CEO) down . Some even started online campaigns calling out people to uninstall snapchat and give it single star rating in the play store . Few others proudly wrote SNAPCHAT : UNISTALLED on their Instagram bios. I wasn’t surprised as this is not the first time we were this intolerant. We saw a similar outrage when Maria sharapova said she didn’t know who Sachin Tendulkar was.

Can we be real for a second though ? Aren’t we poor ? Okay now. Stop stating examples like the Ambanis or Lakshmi Mittal . They are rich I agree . But did you know that according to global health report 2016 ,India is the second most unequal countries in the world with the top 1% of the population owning 60% of the total wealth . Meaning the rest that is 99% share the remaining 40% . According to world bank, India has the highest number of people living below poverty line beating Nigeria by a decent margin ( poverty line being only 32 rupees per day ) .Is this not poverty ? Aren’t we poor ?.

Apparently snapchat has an estimated 4 million users in India . I wonder how many of them used it before the advent of the Jio.

The CEO of the snapchat gave a simple statement way back in 2015 which is unfortunately true .If you are not convinced by the facts above you should probably check the images circulating in social media now . People are down rating snapdeal and snapdragon instead of snapchat .Could we be more ignorant ? Some tweeted to Miss Miranda Kerr asking her to teach her boyfriend on how to behave . We stooped so low that we tried to bring down a person on a public platform for absolutely no fault of theirs .Arent we the one needing those lessons on good behaviour now ??

I’m devastated to see these people call themselves patriots.Half of them don’t even know who they are fighting . Is this patriotism? Being emotional and outrageous doesn’t make you a patriot . If you are really offended by what he said you should probably do something that’ll stop us from being a poor country. Online hate and backlashing does nobody good . If you think your uninstalling and down rating his app affects him you are probably wrong my friend . He’s a genius who made this app at the age of 21 while here at 21 all we do is complain how about slow the Wi-Fi is . Let us learn to accept our shortcomings only then can we do something to get better. We were ruled by kings known for their tolerance . It’s high time we learn a lesson or two from them . Peace

