The Inner Alchemy of Love

The pathway of real love that sets one free

krishna jena
Thoughts And Ideas
2 min readMay 7, 2020


The ending of every relationship is break-up

the ending of an old attachment is new attachments and forgetfulness

but love has no beginning nor it has an end

it is like a seed ever present in our heart

ready to germinate when we meet our sweetheart

then the trunk of love grows towards the sky and so do our spirits

just as its roots deepens our very being within our souls.

Love of one is relating to another,

neither physically nor verbally,

but in one’s own heart and soul.

Only that is true love

that makes two become one ,

where desires and demands submerge

in the ocean of oneness,

where there is not another from whom one can demand

nor from whom one can receive.

In love, one is mindful of the beloved

even in the deepest valleys of sorrows,

and even in the peaks happiness,

and the heart rests and flutters

with the companionship of the beloved’s active presence within itself.

This is the way one can truely love without the other

and that love alone is true when it does not need the other

for the beloved has ceased to be,

and has become one with the lover.

Then only one enjoys absolute freedom in love,

and one understands how love sets free the soul imprisoned.

Otherwise, every love not true is bondage of soul

in return of lust’s satisfaction

until old age, ugliness and weakness comes

to throw one’s heart asunder

filled with emptiness and dissatisfaction.

And then one doubts the very existence of love

for one realizes that the lonely heart has never loved

and missed the chance to drink the elixir

that the life had offered.

