The Lost Treasure of India- Taxila University

Nandini Sharma
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
9 min readMay 30, 2023

Taxila University, located in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent, near present-day Islamabad, Pakistan, held a prestigious position as one of the most renowned centres of learning during ancient times. Its origins can be traced back to the 5th century BCE, and it continued to thrive until the 2nd century CE, making it an important hub of knowledge for over seven centuries.

Nestled amidst picturesque landscapes, Taxila University occupied a strategic location on the ancient trade routes that connected the Indian subcontinent with Central Asia, Persia, and the Middle East. This prime location attracted students and scholars from far and wide, resulting in a vibrant multicultural environment that fostered intellectual exchange and cultural diversity.

Remains of Taxila University

Though the flames of destruction may have consumed its physical structures, the legacy of Taxila University lives on. Its impact resonates through the annals of history, inspiring generations with its pursuit of knowledge, emphasis on ethics, and contributions to various fields. The lessons from Taxila University continue to be relevant today, reminding us of the enduring value of education, the power of cross-cultural exchange, and the potential for greatness that lies within each student.

As we uncover more about Taxila University’s past, let us cherish and celebrate this lost treasure, honouring the scholars, teachers, and students who walked its hallowed halls. May their spirit of inquiry, innovation, and intellectual curiosity inspire us to embrace education as a lifelong journey and to create a world where the pursuit of knowledge thrives, echoing the legacy of Taxila University for generations to come.

At its peak, Taxila University boasted an impressive faculty of revered masters and renowned scholars who were experts in various fields of study. They imparted wisdom and knowledge in disciplines such as astronomy, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, literature, linguistics, theology, architecture, economics, politics, and warfare. The breadth and depth of subjects offered made Taxila University a centre of comprehensive education, ensuring that students received a well-rounded and holistic learning experience.

The teaching methods employed at Taxila University were innovative and engaging. Professors encouraged interactive discussions, debates, and practical demonstrations, enabling students to actively participate in the learning process. This approach fostered critical thinking, analytical skills, and a deeper understanding of the subjects.

One of the notable features of Taxila University was its vast library, which housed a treasure trove of ancient manuscripts, scrolls, and texts. Students and scholars had access to an extensive collection of knowledge and wisdom, drawing inspiration and deepening their understanding of various disciplines.

Taxila University was not just an academic institution; it nurtured cultural and artistic expression as well. Students were encouraged to explore and showcase their creativity through sculpture, painting, dance, music, and other artistic forms. This emphasis on the arts added a vibrant and creative dimension to the educational experience at Taxila.

The educational system at Taxila University followed the revered Gurukul system, where students lived with their teachers, forming close bonds and imbibing knowledge not only through formal education but also through personal interactions and mentorship. This system ensured a holistic approach to education that encompassed physical, mental, and spiritual development.

Taxila University’s fame extended far and wide, attracting students and scholars from different regions and backgrounds. This cosmopolitan atmosphere facilitated cultural exchange, where ideas, traditions, and perspectives from various parts of the world converged. It created an intellectually stimulating environment that enriched the learning experience and broadened my horizons.

While the decline and eventual loss of Taxila University were brought about by invasions and political upheavals in the region, its legacy continues to inspire and intrigue. Archaeological excavations and ongoing research efforts aim to rediscover the remnants of this ancient institution, shedding light on its remarkable past and reaffirming its significance as a symbol of India’s intellectual heritage.

Taxila University, with its prestigious faculty, rigorous academic curriculum, multicultural environment, and emphasis on holistic education, stands as a testament to the pursuit of knowledge and the enduring power of education in ancient India.

Mentions In World-Wide Scriptures

Taxila University, often referred to as Takshashila or Takshashila Vishvavidyalaya holds a revered position in ancient historical records and is widely recognized as one of the most prominent centres of learning in ancient India. Its fame and significance have been documented in various ancient texts and mentioned by renowned scholars from around the world.

Ancient Texts and Scholarly Mentions:


Authored by the ancient Indian scholar Kautilya (also known as Chanakya or Vishnugupta), the Arthashastra mentions Taxila University as a renowned centre of education and intellectual discourse. It provides insights into the governance and administration of the university.

The Pride of Ancient India- Chanakya


The epic Mahabharata, composed over centuries, makes references to Taxila and its educational institutions. It highlights the cultural and educational significance of the city and its association with renowned sages and scholars.


The Ramayana, another ancient Indian epic, mentions Taxila in the context of its educational institutions. The city’s prominence as a centre of learning is emphasized, reflecting its importance in ancient times.

Jataka Tales:

A collection of stories associated with the previous lives of Gautama Buddha, the Jataka Tales often reference Taxila and its prestigious university. These tales depict the city’s intellectual ambience and its role in the spread of Buddhism.

Greek Records:

Greek historians and travelers, including Megasthenes and Nearchus, made observations about Taxila University and its educational system. Their accounts provide valuable insights into the international reputation and cosmopolitan nature of the university.

Chinese Records:

Chinese travellers and scholars, such as Faxian and Xuanzang, documented their visits to Taxila and praised its educational institutions. Their writings offer detailed descriptions of the university’s layout, curriculum, and the number of students in attendance.

Other Texts:

Various Indian treatises, such as the Manusmriti, Nitiprakasika, and Kathasaritsagara, mention Taxila University and its role in shaping the intellectual landscape of ancient India. These texts provide glimpses into the educational philosophy and traditions of the institution.

The mentions of Taxila University in these ancient texts and the observations of scholars from diverse backgrounds testify to its prominence as a centre of learning and intellectual exchange. These historical references validate the existence and significance of Taxila University, shedding light on its rich educational heritage and global reputation in ancient times.

15 Unknown but Relevant Facts About The Taxila University

Multidisciplinary Approach: Historical records, including ancient texts like the Arthashastra and accounts from Greek historians like Megasthenes and Nearchus, highlight the multidisciplinary approach of Taxila University. Students had access to a wide range of subjects spanning sciences, mathematics, arts, politics, ethics, medicine, architecture, warfare, and more.

Student-Teacher Ratio:

Various historical sources, including the writings of Chinese travellers Faxian and Xuanzang, suggest that Taxila University maintained a favourable student-teacher ratio. It is believed that there were around ten students per teacher, ensuring personalized attention and mentorship.

Rigorous Entrance Examinations:

Ancient texts and historical accounts mention the rigorous entrance examinations at Taxila University. These examinations aimed to assess the aptitude, knowledge, and intellect of prospective students, ensuring that only the most deserving candidates were granted admission.

International Student Body:

References in Greek and Chinese records, as well as ancient Indian texts like the Jataka Tales, affirm that Taxila University attracted students from various regions and countries. Its reputation as an esteemed centre of learning drew students from Persia, Greece, Central Asia, and beyond.

Boarding Facilities:

Historical accounts and archaeological findings indicate the presence of boarding facilities at Taxila University. These boarding houses not only provided accommodation for students who came from distant places but also fostered a sense of community and camaraderie among them.

Scholarships and Sponsorships:

The availability of scholarships and sponsorships for deserving students at Taxila University is mentioned in historical texts. These provisions aimed to support talented individuals, irrespective of their socio-economic background, in accessing quality education.

Emphasis on Practical Learning:

References in ancient texts and archaeological evidence suggest that Taxila University placed significant emphasis on practical learning. Students had the opportunity to engage in hands-on training and real-life applications of theoretical concepts, enhancing their understanding and preparing them for practical challenges.

Well-Stocked Laboratories:

Accounts from ancient historians and travelers, such as Megasthenes, highlight the presence of well-equipped laboratories at Taxila University. These laboratories housed advanced apparatus and equipment, enabling students to conduct experiments and engage in scientific research.

Exchange Programs:

The writings of Chinese travelers like Faxian and Xuanzang mention the exchange programs facilitated by Taxila University. Students and scholars had the opportunity to visit and study at different centres of learning, fostering cross-cultural exchange and intellectual collaboration.

Focus on Ethics and Morality:

Ancient texts, including the Manusmriti and Nitiprakasika, emphasize the importance of teaching ethics, morality, and values at Taxila University. The institution aimed to produce well-rounded individuals who would contribute positively to society and uphold ethical principles.

Extensive Library Network:

References in ancient texts and archaeological findings suggest that Taxila University had an extensive network of libraries, including branch libraries in nearby cities and towns. This network ensured wider access to knowledge and resources for students and scholars.

Innovations in Medicine:

Historical accounts and archaeological evidence suggest that Taxila University made significant advancements in the field of medicine. It is believed that innovative surgical techniques, herbal remedies, and studies of medicinal plants were undertaken at the university, contributing to the development of ancient medical practices.

Debates and Intellectual Discourse:

Accounts from Greek historians like Megasthenes and Indian treatises like the Kathasaritsagara depict the culture of debates and intellectual discourse at Taxila University. Students engaged in lively discussions, critical thinking, and questioning, honing their analytical skills and ability to articulate complex ideas.

Patronage of Kings and Rulers:

References in ancient texts and historical accounts highlight the patronage of kings, rulers, and nobles towards Taxila University. Their support and recognition of the university’s significance contributed to its continuous development and expansion.

Cultural Festivals and Celebrations:

Various ancient texts, including the Mahabharata, mention the organization of cultural festivals and celebrations at Taxila University. These events provided platforms for students to showcase their talents in music, dance, drama, and other artistic expressions, adding vibrancy to the educational environment.

These references from ancient texts, historical accounts, and archaeological findings provide insights into the lesser-known facts about Taxila University, enriching our understanding of its educational system, practices, and cultural milieu.

The Downfall Of Taxila University

The story of how Taxila University was burnt is shrouded in the tumultuous events of ancient history. The destruction of the university occurred during the invasion and conquest of the region by various forces, notably the Huns and the Persian King, Shapur II.

During the 5th century CE, the Huns, led by their ambitious ruler Toramana, swept across the Indian subcontinent, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Taxila, with its rich cultural and intellectual heritage, became a prime target for the Huns. They laid siege to the city, ransacking and plundering its treasures, including the revered Taxila University.

The exact reasons behind the burning of Taxila University are not entirely clear, but it is believed that the invading forces aimed to dismantle the seat of learning and erase the intellectual legacy of the region. The destruction was a result of the systematic devastation inflicted upon the city and its institutions during the invasion.

The scale of the fire that engulfed Taxila University is difficult to quantify with precision. However, historical accounts and archaeological evidence suggest that the devastation was extensive. The fires ravaged the buildings, libraries, and centres of learning that constituted the university, reducing much of it to ashes. The loss of invaluable manuscripts, texts, and scholarly works was a tragic blow to the intellectual heritage of ancient India.

The burning of Taxila University marked a dark chapter in its illustrious history. The destruction caused irreparable damage to the institution and its vast reservoir of knowledge. The loss of Taxila University as a centre of learning had far-reaching consequences, not only for the region but also for the wider intellectual and cultural legacy of ancient India.

Today, ongoing archaeological excavations and research efforts aim to uncover and preserve the remnants of Taxila University, shedding light on its glorious past and contributing to a deeper understanding of its significance. While the flames of destruction may have engulfed Taxila University, its legacy continues to inspire and captivate, serving as a poignant reminder of the resilience and enduring spirit of the human pursuit of knowledge.
n conclusion, the story of Taxila University unveils a lost treasure of ancient India, where knowledge flourished and minds were nurtured. Its reputation as a renowned centre of learning is attested by the mentions in ancient texts, the accounts of scholars, and the ongoing archaeological discoveries. Taxila University stood as a beacon of multidisciplinary education, embracing practical learning, fostering intellectual discourse, and welcoming students from diverse backgrounds.

Though the flames of destruction may have consumed its physical structures, the legacy of Taxila University lives on. Its impact resonates through the annals of history, inspiring generations with its pursuit of knowledge, emphasis on ethics, and contributions to various fields. The lessons from Taxila University continue to be relevant today, reminding us of the enduring value of education, the power of cross-cultural exchange, and the potential for greatness that lies within each student.

As we uncover more about Taxila University’s past, let us cherish and celebrate this lost treasure, honouring the scholars, teachers, and students who walked its hallowed halls. May their spirit of inquiry, innovation, and intellectual curiosity inspire us to embrace education as a lifelong journey and to create a world where the pursuit of knowledge thrives, echoing the legacy of Taxila University for generations to come.



Nandini Sharma
Thoughts And Ideas

I'm obsessed with Shakespeare, art, and Franz Liszt. My blog explores their beauty and how they inspire each other. Join me on this journey!