Interpersonal Relationships

Everyone Is Your Mirror

Everyone around you is a clue leading you to who you are

Artemis Sullivan
Published in
5 min readSep 21, 2022


Before the Mirror by the author

I loved the artist who always left until I began to paint. I lived in a dark cave of self-reflection for about a year after an exceptionally painful breakup. He was beautiful in a terrifying way; so handsome he was difficult to look at but it was harder to look at anyone else. Ice blue eyes, six foot-two, the word ‘eccentric’ tattooed on his arm in French. He was also my best friend for ten years. Fuck. My soul felt like it was ripped out of my gut when I lost him. I smoked joints incessantly and stared at nothing in particular for months.

Confusion by the Author

One day, out of the blue, a miraculous epiphany leapt out of my blues. I emerged from the cave to feel sunlight on my face. After a despair-inspired lightbulb lit up, I could no longer see the world the same way again (and I’ve done Ayahuasca twenty times but that’s for another story). I thought my pain would burn me to ash but I was reborn from the embers of fire like a Pheonix. I suddenly knew what I had to do to pull myself out of depression’s mud, after every loss in love or friendship, for the rest of my



Artemis Sullivan
Thoughts And Ideas

Surfer & occasional beach chair writer. I like to present common things in unfamiliar ways.