The Personal Paradox of Success

Emmaly Beck
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2017
The Throat Chakra, which symbolizes speaking your highest truth. Graphic by Author.

It was back in January that I realized that I was afraid of success, not failure.

I had just finished reading “6 Months to 6 Figures” by Peter Voogd and felt just how possible it would be to actually achieve success.

I know it may sound a bit weird, but if you’re open minded, follow me: I felt that I had information coming to me from a future timeline. To put it simply, my “future” self.

From what I have heard, being a metaphysics nerd, we are multidimensional beings, we have multiple timelines laid before us. They are realized through the decisions we make in all of our present moments, in all of our consecutive moments of nows.

There is no future, really, because we are always only living in the present. However, what we choose to do influences what comes next. If we choose to make great leaps, follow our heart and not give in to our fear, we jump into a higher timeline.

Similarly, if we follow our fear or shame and continue to live in our lower vibrational states, we will stick to, or fall into, a lower timeline.

(Note: High and low timeline means vibrational realities. Joy, happiness and excitement are all higher vibrations, meaning higher realities. Fear, shame and guilt are all very low vibrations, and if these are the emotions we act upon, we create those lower vibrational realities.)

The timeline that I received feedback on was one in which I was very successful. And I suddenly realized the weight of that.

Success requires you to show up. Consistently. It requires that once you “make it,” you strive to continue making it.

Failure isn’t a big deal. I don’t think most of us are afraid of failure. Failure is so temporary. The disappointment, embarrassment, frustration, etc., are difficult emotions to deal with, but they pass, don’t they?

Success is a present state. It is a state in which you consistently choose your actions, one after the other, in terms of what your overarching goal is. Once you reach your own defined level of success, you’re going to try to reach for the next one. It works in stages. You have to show up for your own life.

Showing up takes effort and commitment, every single day. Effort and commitment is a choice you make in every moment.

Failure and lack of trying means you can hide. There is no pressure. A lot of people fail and decide that they don’t have to get back up again. They gave it a good shot and that’s it, that’s enough.

Failure can essentially mean that one can go back to living in a reality in which others do not look for them to produce more work. Others do not expect greater things from them. Others are not paying attention to them and anticipating their next moves.


Because we live in a dualistic reality, the pressure of success has a flip side: liberation.

You realize that following your heart brought abundance and success.

The act of speaking from the heart and following your intuition is, I truly believe, what we are all looking for.

We are all dying to be ourselves. We are all dying to be our truest, most authentic selves.

Hitting that publish button on Medium brought me more abundance than I ever expected very early on. I’ve received thousands of views and got published online, something I have been wanting to accomplish for months.

But what has mattered the most to me over anything else is touching the lives of others by helping them through my writing.

Experiencing THAT success when speaking from the heart and touching others in the process is the most light and liberating feeling I have ever experienced.

We can live in our fear and choose to remain quiet and not share what it is that is nagging at us to do so. Or we can show up for our own lives and be consciously present and decide to share our most valuable asset with the world: ourselves. YOU are your gift. YOU are what you’re here to share with the world.

It’s heavy, but so damn liberating.



Emmaly Beck
Thoughts And Ideas

I write down-to-earth approaches on how to connect with your higher self. 🌚✨🌝 Enjoy my writing? Subscribe: