The Second Law of Thermodynamics Reveals the Purpose Of Life
Complexity & Entropy
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2 min readJun 12, 2023
- According to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy will increase until it reaches equilibrium, while complexity will initially increase, reach its peak, and then drop to naught when the system has reached said equilibrium.
- Maximizing complexity; development that exceeds all kinds of development is the sole purpose of life.
- Therefore the highest thought of life ought to be: man is something that shall be overcome.
- Useful energy: energy that can be put to work; low entropy, out-of-equilibrium energy.
- Useless energy: energy that cannot be put to work; high entropy, equilibrium energy.
- Analogy: the sun is a useful source of energy because it’s a hot, bright spot in an otherwise cold, dark space. If the whole of space surrounding Earth had the temperature of the Sun, the planet would receive much more energy. But this would mean that Earth would average out to a high entropy equilibrium, with everything at the temperature of the Sun. No work would be possible.
- Therefore: happiness, equality, equity, abolishing suffering, “evil”, and the likes represent an equilibrium state of society, which in the final analysis means its denial, disintegration, atrophy, and decay.
- Strife is justice; all things come into being and pass away through strife.