The Strength of Sheep

Herd mentality might be good after all

Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2020


Photo by Krzysztof Kowalik on Unsplash

Across centuries, fables from diverse backgrounds and cultures have glorified valiant heroes and lone knights. The heroes who have single-handedly achieved gallant victories for their kingdoms have had songs and stories written about them, ensuring their immortalization in human memory.

The history books mention in great detail, the feats of such lone heroes. Taking examples from such heroes, our parents and benefactors might tell us to replicate the success and become a hero.

The common aspect between heroes from all these diverse backgrounds is that they’re different from the general public. They will tell us to be different. Distinguish yourself from the rest of the crowd if you want to become a hero. When you distinguish yourself from the rest of them, they will remember you even after your death. But this might be true in a way as many people have an innate desire to stand out in a crowd and an inexplicable urge to impress society.

What if a majority of the herd wants to stand out and look different? Wouldn’t we all be doing the same thing of trying to make ourselves look different and distinguish our presence? Society and nature work in mysterious ways, because if we’re all doing the same thing, we are nothing but sheep in…



Thoughts And Ideas

I love doing manual work. It always provides me with a creative outburst.