The Surprising Reason O.J. Simpson Was Able to Get the Covid-19 Vaccine

But your grandmother can’t

Keith Dias
Thoughts And Ideas


OJ gets juiced

Rich versus poor

Far be it from me to defend NFL Hall of Famer O.J. Simpson. I’m in the group of people that believe he actually killed his ex-wife Nicole Brown-Simpson, as well as her acquaintance Ron Goldman, on that fateful June 12th night in 1994.

Back then, I remember there being two distinct groups of people: those who believed Simpson was a murderer, and those who believed he had been framed. In some way, it reminds me of the great social divide we’re seeing these days between people who believe the 2020 U.S. election was fair, and those who believe, without evidence, that it was rigged.

It’s a case of fact versus fiction, in my view. And even though there was overwhelming evidence pointing to the conclusion that O.J. was guilty, he was still eventually acquitted and set free. As I see it, that was a clear failure of the American judicial system, but one that, quite surprisingly, worked in the favor of an African-American man.

To me, his unjust victory in court said less about his race and more about his wealth. His financial ability to retain the best lawyers in the business — “A Legal Dream Team”, as they called it — was the key to his freedom.



Keith Dias
Thoughts And Ideas

Travel geek. Productivity nerd. Husband, father, son, brother, friend, joker. I once met Stevie Wonder. I’ve played competitive ball hockey for 30 years.