The Universe Always Answers

The Good Habit Coach
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
3 min readNov 8, 2022
Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

There will be testing times in your life. Work. Home. Relationships. When all seems lost, you ask yourself “Why me?”. You start questioning your reality. Self-doubts take over your thoughts. You ponder over your past and ask yourself “If only”.

Image by Natálie Šteyerová from Pixabay

This happens to all of us. At one point in time or another. You can turn to your near and dear ones, your family, and your friends. But sometimes it is difficult to express what your heart truly feels, and the pain cannot be put into words. The apprehension is not something that they can feel for you.

There is only one thing that can make all the difference and that is

“The belief that you will get what you desire.”

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I have been a firm believer in the Law of Attraction. It has answered a lot of questions that I have had.

LOA has worked for me every single time.

But do you know what is difficult?

Is it to follow what the law asks for? To always maintain a grateful heart? To have the right attitude? To meditate? To affirm, believe and ask?

NO. It is easy to follow the law on a happy sunny day. What is most difficult is “To believe in the law when you are broken, hopeless, and lost.” There is a dead end ahead of you and yet the law asks you to believe. Nothing would make sense. Even the most adept would find it challenging.

Do you know what would get you out of this situation?


The willpower to believe in the power of the Universe and the law, despite the challenges around you. Willpower to Begin to Believe and Trust the law. The willpower to snap your mind out of the situation and look instead at using the law.

I am very proud of this one thing that my father, an Army Officer, instilled deep into my DNA since childhood.

To never-ever-ever-EVER GIVE UP. A sense of strong Willpower. And this is what I truly believe helped me to follow the law when I too was at my worst.


Take a walk outside when you are soaked deep into thoughts of hopelessness and looming despair. Go for a run. SWITCH.

Every time you are reminded of the situation, make a conscious and deliberate attempt to STOP. And say to yourself “TRUST THE UNIVERSE”

Have a sense of faith, belief, and calmness.

Image by Foundry Co fromPixabay

It is easier said than done. Absolutely. But yes, it indeed is possible to change your state from despair to belief. It may not be 100% but even a mere 10 is progress.

Many of you who do not believe in the universal power, of LOA will find this article rather amusing. But those who believe would know what this article intends to address.

Stay strong. Stay motivated. And always. ALWAYS BELIEVE.



The Good Habit Coach
Thoughts And Ideas

Good Habits are as addictive as Bad ones. Lets get better. One habit at a time.