Think Like the Universe: Life Is All About Expansion

Why it’s time to leave the idea of “progress” behind.

Louise Schriewer
Thoughts And Ideas


Possessed Photography on Unsplash:

Many times, we think we are only making progress if things are getting better, based on our current assessment of the situation.

Nothing could be further from the truth, when seen from a higher perspective.

Progress has never been the straight arrow that the human mind conceives it to be, something that fits into a neat box and that is easily measurable and quantifiable.

Life is much messier (or shall we say: alive?) than that.

From a spiritual perspective, progress is inevitable if one align with oneself, and the currency it is measured in is a sense of wellbeing and satisfaction. This includes:

  • more self-love,
  • more trust in the universe/process/self/other people,
  • more joy,
  • more equanimity,
  • more of a sense of being in the right place at the right time,
  • having more of the conditions that help you flourish (time, resources, supportive relationships, etc.).

That said, when considering our lives, it helps to replace the word “progress” (which has gotten so intertwined with the idea of linear…



Louise Schriewer
Thoughts And Ideas

I love helping people overcome their struggles and have a joyful life. Professional wizard (I mean, coach…) who used to be a lawyer: