This Week, You’re a Pineapple

And your cheeks are getting chubby.

Thoughts And Ideas
2 min readJun 11, 2021


Photo by Julien Pianetti on Unsplash

We discovered you in November. The most pleasant of surprises.

I can’t wait to hold you.

I can’t help but wonder how it will feel, holding you on the outside rather than housing you on the inside. My whole world in my arms rather than my uterus, in just a matter of weeks.

Fortunately, it seems that you’re already well-attuned to my sentimental nature. You knew that I’d need a memento of our first 9 months together, and so you went and made your mark on me. You know what I’m talking about little man…

The stretch-marks. It’s the thought that counts. Plus, they remind me that I’m not dreaming this all up.

You wholly rely on me right now. I breathe for you. No, really. Mi oxygen es su oxygen. A truth that the left side of my body is familiar with.

Within a matter of weeks, you’ll inhale the Earth’s air all by yourself. Your little lungs are busy preparing themselves for that very moment.

Human design is something special, but I like to think that you’re the sole genius behind your own growth.

And how you have grown…

I think back to your six-week scan. You were a cheeky little blueberry back then. You challenged us to a game of hide-and-seek. No sight of you on the scan, so we returned a week later to verify your existence.

Boy, you really showed us. You’re indisputably alive and kicking. Who knew that being repeatedly kicked in the ribs could be so encouraging?

I’ll gladly take the hit for you, and you keep on moving for me.

Do we have a deal, son?

Word on the apps is that you’re around about the size of a pineapple now, with elbows just as spiky.

But you’re not a piece of fruit. You have feet. We saw them for the first time in your 34 week scan. Adorable is an understatement.

Another thing. We live in the desert. Random, I know. We’ll tell you all about it one day.

It means that you’ll be far from your family at first.

Well, not from your dad and I. But you’ll be joining us in this red-listed nation; a mythical eight-hour plane journey from home.

Home is England. But really and truly, home is wherever the three of us are.

You’ll be born into a pretty confusing world, that’s for sure. But that’s a load of high-level nonsense.

We’ll welcome you into our world. We’ve created a pretty good’un.

I think you’ll like it here.

