Heidiann Williams
Thoughts And Ideas
Published in
2 min readSep 2, 2019


What Happened To Blogging In 2019?

I'll repeat,

What the hell happened to blogging in 2019!?

When I started blogging it was magical, a hobby to fill my unemployed days. It became a job in three short months! I was bathing in cash and free stuff and oh so full of myself if I can throw that in.

Here I was someone just sharing opinions on women’s issues and boom companies was hooking me up! My traffic was through the roof, a whooping 35k a month, which is amazing for an unestablished blogger, especially one who was grammar challenged, minus a college degree and basically just winging it.

The truth is some 11 million of us were feeling the same glow and then boom, it all changed, leading so many to head for the hills. So what happened?

What always happens, the Internet and Social Media changed the game. We didn’t listen to experts telling us that our heavy reliance on Social Media for traffic, playing the same old games, was gonna shoot us in the butt.

Video happened! There were all kinds of signs telling us to start tailoring our content to match the changing market, which meant video, video, video!

I can’t tell you how many bloggers I have interacted with that refused to learn SEO. It is your essential skill, the gateway to being visible online. I even wrote an easy course that is dirt cheap.

We basically didn’t pay attention to those telling us Sponsored Opportunities were fleeting and you absolutely must have a marketable service or product to make money.

Social Media changes every day. You have to change with it. Now, especially with Facebook, you have to become one with Conversational Marketing and yes sorry, paying for ads. Too many for too long felt the link dropping high, putting in no work, reaping free rewards.

Learn your audience..You have to know who you are talking to which also means it is no longer viable for Lifestyle Bloggers like me, not to have a specific niche. Today everyone has a niche and it’s suggested to drill down to one or two topics.

Finally, the power of the list. I admit to really not giving this one any mind but your email list is your steady stream of web traffic, your door to your readers for sales and feedback.

Are you still blogging?

What’s been your experience?

