When Life Feels Like a Whirlwind of Sh*t & How You Can Flush it Out

Although you don’t know who I am, my story, or why my life currently feels like a whirlwind of sh*t, you clicked on this article and therefore I hope that my experiences and realizations will bring you something of value.

Thoughts And Ideas


Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash

The feeling of guilt

I know that there are people in the world who are less fortunate than I am: people who are born into warring countries, have lost their families, are exploited, and suffering from so many other abuses that I am lucky enough to not have been born into.

And yet here I am sleeping on this comfortable bed with clean sheets, in an air-conditioned room, with my dad who is alive and well outside self-destructing over the meaning of life and why I feel so empty.

I have always viewed people who bring this concept of gratitude up as ‘toxic positivity’ but I’m starting to reconsider this initial attitude.

Here’s my take on it

Bringing up someone’s socioeconomic status to discard their human feelings is wrong. But this is not the same as reminding someone that there are so many great things in life to be

