Why You Ignore the Most Important Life Advice

And what happens when you actually follow it…

John Reel
Thoughts And Ideas


Photo credit: Vlad Sargu/Unsplash

Ask any person in their twilight years what they would change about their life and you will likely hear 1 of 2 things. First, they will talk about wishing they had done more of something, like spent more time with their family. Or they might talk about wishing they followed their dreams, rather than playing it safe. The general theme is wishing they spent their time and energy a little more wisely.

It is not uncommon to wish for more time on your deathbed. And naturally, you would use that time to do more of what you love. We all know time is limited yet most of us don’t take this wisdom to heart.

Most of us are scared to live in accordance with how we actually want to live. I think partly because no one around us is. Our circle of friends and family all live the ‘traditional lifestyle’. One in which you work 40 hours a week, go on one or two vacations a year and find time on the weekend for your hobbies. We are told that is a good life. And it is a decent life. Decent enough for most of us to put up with it. But we can easily find out from a quick survey of the old and wrinkly that if given another chance, they might do things a little differently.



John Reel
Thoughts And Ideas

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