Will the Coronavirus Vaccine Turn You Into a Zombie?

Conspiracy theories abound, as American leadership continues to fail

Keith Dias
Thoughts And Ideas


Photo by Dylan Sauerwein on Unsplash

You are desperate.

You’ve made unthinkable changes to your life, in the last several months. You’ve isolated yourself. You’re scared. You want this to be over soon. You hear a vaccine is in the works.

There are no guarantees that a quick vaccine is going to be completely effective, or that it won’t have any side effects.

But your desperation makes you want to believe in something.

And it makes you vulnerable to the advice of idiots.

Do you trust the idiots?

We used to trust America.
But America has bungled its coronavirus handling.

It didn’t act quickly enough.
It didn’t believe the scientists.
It gave bad advice.
It peddled conspiracy theories.

It lied to you, and to the rest of the world.
It continues to lie to itself.



Keith Dias
Thoughts And Ideas

Travel geek. Productivity nerd. Husband, father, son, brother, friend, joker. I once met Stevie Wonder. I’ve played competitive ball hockey for 30 years.