Downriver without a worry

An account of rafts, rivers and Rishikes

5 min readFeb 4, 2014

River Rafting in Rishikesh is one of those things that deserve a spot on your bucket list. The experience, irrespective if you’re a veteran or a first timer, is awe inspiring and quite frankly among the most exhilarating you will have in your life.


The city lies at around 250 km from Delhi and the journey (if you’re by road) should also provide you with a view of Har Ki Pauri at Haridwar, which is an enjoyable view even if you have no idea what this place is, and you should also pass through a stretch of Rajaji National Park, although don’t get your hopes up of seeing any wildlife as the road has just been widened.

It’s best to reach the city by early morning to avoid the traffic as there are single lane roads and they can get pretty crowded in peak hours. If you a first timer and have not already booked your raft, it is advisable to travel in the city till the Lakshman Jhula (it’s a bridge) and make your booking from the numerous agencies there. It will save you time as well as reduce the risk of a fraudulent booking. A single raft can seat 8 people and should cost you around Rs.2200 in off-season but the prices may go up till 2800 during summers or weekends. The same agency, if you care to enjoy, should also provide you with the details for riverside camping and trekking trips, the prices of which vary with the no. of people.

The agency itself will provide you with transportation to the base camp and will bring you back once you’re done. The rafting sessions usually start from Shivpuri or Brahmapuri base camps and continue 16km till Muni ki Reti. But in recent times they have also started trips that last for 24km and begin from Marine Drive. You can choose either depending on your stamina.


  • Make sure to have light breakfast before you begin your river journey.
  • Most important of all, DON’T SHOW OFF YOUR SWIMMING PROWESS even if you feel like a fish in water.
  • Listen to the instructors at all times. They know their stuff.
  • Full sleeves t-shirt will keep you from sunburns and tanning.
  • Leave out your sunglasses but you can carry your valuables in the dry bag onboard the raft.
  • For the campers, although you’ll be told the same on arrival, the waters are off limits after dark.

The first thing you will hear is the roar of water in a far-off distance, a constant thrum that will make every instinct in your body will go into hyperdrive. You row forward and Lo’ & behold, you make the turn to come face to face with the gushing waters of the rapid. As your raft enters the turbulent waters you will scream at the top of your lungs and look to your friend but he’ll never hear your scream because he’s busy screaming himself. You’ll try to keep your eyes open to see the raw power around you and hit back with all you’ve got but you’ll find your boat thrown high by the crashing waves and your oar waving in the air. Before you know it you are out of the rapid, your very first, you’ll be soaked but jubilant. You will believe that nothing will ever come close to what you just felt but that’s only until you hear that dull roar again in the distance and you realize that before this day is done you’ll know the meaning of a great adventure.

The experience of fighting against the waves of rapids that range from the timid grade-2 like the 3 blind mice to the fearful grade-4, aptly named the Roller coaster, will leave you tired but longing for more. There will come a time during the trip where your boat guide will ask you to get off the raft. Don’t be alarmed, this is part of the fun. You will experience the contrast of serenity and absolute adrenalin rush as you float downriver with mountains all around you and nothing to bog down your mind to earthly limits. Nirvana will seem at an arm’s reach.

The day will pass in a whirlwind of activity rafting, cliff-jumping, body surfing and before you know it night will descend. Your body will literally ache from all the fun and all you’ll look for is a place to lie down and sleep. But believe me when you reach the riverside camp, if you choose to stay at one, sleep will the farthest thing from your mind. The sheer calm of the surroundings will unnerve you. No bright lights, no honking trucks, no hassle of a city life you’ll almost feel like Tom Sawyer beneath the open skies.

There will be nothing you’ll want to do other than to just lie around with your friends in absolute silence gazing out over the waters of the Ganges and listening to the rippling sounds of water all around you, wishing that this moment right here could last a lifetime.

Riverside Camp

How To Reach:

Rishikesh is well connected by road, rail and air, although I recommended road. Trains are available from New Delhi and Nizamuddin stations and if you prefer air travel, the closest airport is Jolly Grant in Dehradun which is about 30-40 min out. If you’re coming from Delhi by road, just make for the NH-58 or ask for the road to Meerut. Your general order of towns should be somewhat like-

Delhi→Ghaziabad→MuradNagar→ModiNagar→MeerutBypass→NH-58→Roorkee→ Haridwar→ Raiwala→ Rishikesh

From Haridwar continue straight along the road to the town of Raiwala (the last stop if you want non-veg), take right once you reach the fork and follow through till you come across a railway crossing, cross the railway tracks and you’ve officially entered Rishikesh.

Welcome to the gateway of the Himalayas.

