SendBird vs Quickblox- Discover Your Chat SDK

Sejal Baraiya
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2017

In the article, we have explained about the technologies being used by each of the solution providers. This was the first step in taking a decision as to which software to rely upon for chat integration. The next important set of parameters to evaluate is from the user’s perspective. Let us understand the features which users will enjoy.

SendBird enables you to add real-time chat to any app with speed and efficiency. The Android SDK specifically provides you with methods to initialize and configure chat from the client-side — no backend required.

How messaging with SendBird works?

Messaging with the SendBird SDK is simple: a user connects, enters a channel, then is able to send and receive messages from all other users within the same channel. There are two types of channels: Open and Group Channels. Open Channels are public channels; anyone can enter and chat freely. Group Channels are private channels that can be joined through invitation only. 1-to-1 messaging is simply a Group Channel with two members.

When using the SDK, messages are automatically received with Channel Handlers. As long as a user is connected, incoming messages and other relevant events trigger callback methods such as onMessageReceived (channel, message), on User Joined (channel, user), etc., delivering messages or channel objects containing the latest information.

Channel Types of SendBird

You should understand the following terminology before proceeding with the rest of this guide.

Open Channel

An Open Channel is a public chat. In this channel type, anyone can enter and participate in the chat without permission. A single channel can handle thousands of simultaneous users. I.e.) a Twitch-style public chat.

Group Channel

A Group Channel is a private chat. A user may join the chat only through an invitation by another user who is already a member of the chatroom.

  • Distinct property: A channel with the Distinct property enabled will always be reused for the same members. If a new member is invited, or if a member leaves the channel, then the Distinct property is disabled automatically.
  • 1-on-1 messaging: 1-on-1 messaging is a private channel between two users. You can enable the Distinct property for the channel in order to reuse a channel for the same members. I.e.) Twitter Direct Messages-style 1-on-1 chatting.
  • Group messaging: Group messaging is a private channel between multiple users. You can invite up to hundreds of members into a group channel. I.e.) a WhatsApp-style closed group chat.

You can see the more setting tutorial and how to implement it options from site and set your project with that setting.

How messaging with QuickBlox works?

Now, Talk about the QuickBlox Start, demonstrates how to work with QuickBlox Chat API. It allows you to organize the group chat & chat 1 on 1.

It gives examples of how to:

  1. Organize chat between 2 users
  2. Organize group chat

The QuickBlox is giving to you file sharing, chatting, audio, video sharing options.See more setting options into this shared and sites.

Other differences you can see into below image. So that you can choose the right SDK for chat module.

Difference between SendBird and QuickBlox SDK-

Hope you find your right SDK for use into chat module. It helps you in learning. If you like the article, clap for the article and feel free to share it : — )

Thank You :)





Sejal Baraiya

Software Quality Assurance Analyst and Android Developer | Always be ready for learning new things. It’s exciting….