Telemedicine Apps in Healthcare Industry : A Boom or a Bust?

Abhishek Amin
Published in
5 min readNov 8, 2019

Anticipated to be THE NEXT BIG THING in the world of healthcare, the prominence of Telemedicine is somewhat limited lately. Telemedicine is the app solution that lets people or patients to consult with doctors and healthcare professionals via video.

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I would like to depict what telemedicine is all about, how patients and healthcare pros can leverage such solutions along with the current scenario and challenges it is facing for a widespread acceptance. We shall also see what the future holds for telemedicines if things are likely to improve.

What is Telemedicine and how it transforms Healthcare?

In the simplest terms, telemedicine is a web or mobile app platform that makes healthcare accessible and cost-effective while increasing patient engagement. It is a healthcare mobility solution fostering the possibilities of remote patient monitoring and real-time interactive services.

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The idea behind this solution was to enhance the patient experience by implementing a digital platform for doctor-patient consultation instead of in-person doctor visits. It was believed that patients living far away would go for telemedicine apps as an alternative instead of making time consuming visits to the clinics.

For instance, a patient living in a rural area looking to get a heart surgery does not need to travel to a big city and search for the best heart surgeon. Using telemedicine apps, the person can directly get in touch with a heart specialist or a heart surgeon via a digital platform.

Following is the list that shows what telemedicine apps can offer:

  • Transportation: Patients can avoid spending money on fuel or wasting time in traffic with video consultations.
  • No missing work: Today, individuals can schedule a consultation during a work break or even after work hours.
  • Childcare/Eldercare Challenges: Those who struggle to find care options can use telemedicine solutions.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Telemedicine helps doctors and healthcare professionals to improve overall productivity. They can attend more number of patients during the working hours with smooth process implementation.

What are the reasons for the lack of dominance?

Despite having potential benefits for doctors and patients, the prominence of telemedicine app solutions has been limited. The reason are mentioned below:

Lack of Awareness

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Let us start with the biggest problem, a significant lack of awareness among the people. People living even in countries like the US are not known to the option of chatting with a doctor over a video calling feature. Also, the branding of term ‘telemedicine’ itself is a reason behind it as it is not that descriptive. Terms like Video Visits, Doctors On Demand or Virtual Healthcare Consultation are being used by healthcare professionals to make patients understand.

Cost & Reimbursement Concerns

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The image of telemedicine apps on common people or patients is a setback too. Patients are fearful of telemedicines apps being too expensive. They also have concerns of the health insurance applicability while going for such healthcare solutions. There were also questions surrounding earning for the doctors regarding the amount they get paid being similar to a normal in-person visit. Reimbursement ambiguities are still there which are getting resolved gradually for specific circumstances.

Major Existence of Luddites

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When it comes to healthcare, a lot of people exist who still prefer to visit and see doctors in person. Also there will be sick and other vulnerable people need reassurance upon their questions and concerns from a doctor sitting in front of them. Emergence of technology in the form of telemedicine simply will not change their mindset.

Possibilities to turn the Tide

Patient Engagement for Awareness

The first thing would be to encourage the people to use telemedicine apps. That will definitely help people to overcome their fears by using telemedicine solutions and realizing from the advantages they may avail. It is understood that if a patient has a good relationship with a doctor, a video consulting would definitely be a better and easier alternative than making an appointment for a visit.

Involvement of Behemoths like Apple

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To boost the marketing and awareness of telemedicine applications, merging with the big tech companies can be an ideal action. For example, the company America Well made an announcement to be working with Apple for its heart-health study to facilitate participants with easy access to a doctor’s office if they needed it.

Word of Mouth

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Many consumers who have used Telemedicine apps have been spreading the word to friends and family about the benefits, and making them realize that everything could be done through a mobile application, be it getting a prescription, an exam or ordering labs. It is just not needed to visit a clinic and sit in the waiting room.

It will be really interesting to see what progress telemedicine solution makes in a year or two. One thing is for sure that the critical challenges remain on the horizon which will need to overcome before a complete healthcare industry transformation.



Abhishek Amin
Writer for

Creative Content Strategist and Content Writer- @IndiaNIC