Introduction to India’s Spiritual Connect!

India’s Spiritual Connect
India’s Spiritual Connect
2 min readJun 13, 2020
India’s Spiritual Connect
Let’s #MakeSpiritualityViral

Pranam to one and all!

Today as I write my first blog, all I feel is infinite gratitude to my spiritual master, who has not only elevated my spiritual state, but also led me through the challenges and success of my worldly life. I owe my every breath to him.

           मोह जलधि बोहित तुम्ह भए। मो कहँ नाथ बिबिध सुख दए ॥
मो पहिं होइ न प्रति उपकारा। बंदउँ तव पद बारहिं बारा ॥
Moh Jaldhi Bohit Tumh Bhae I Mo Kaha Nath Bibidh Sukh Dae II
Mo Pahi Hoi Na Prati Upakara I Bandau Tava Pada Barahi Bara II
(Source: Ram Charit Manas, Uttarkand-124.02)

You have been a vessel to me, drifting as I was in the ocean of delusion and have bestowed me bliss in various ways, my Lord.
I am, however, incapable of repaying my obligation to You and simply make obeisance to Your lotus feet again and again.
(Source: Ram Charit Manas, Uttarkand-124.02)

My journey of spirituality began as a toddler. Ever since my childhood, my parents would lead me to spiritual discourses which aroused my interest in Indian philosophy at an early age. Spirituality is a journey beyond lifetime. I am certain that this journey of mine has continued during my past births and God willing, it will continue even in my future births. Over last 30+ years, the compassion of my spiritual master has evolved me in becoming more loving, more compassionate and more accepting, to say the least.

Through India’s Spiritual Connect, we plan to present you the factual form of Indian Spirituality. Our ideas are coherent with the contemporary times, yet deeply rooted into the Sanatan Dharma. We would take you through the entire journey of Indian spirituality & philosophy starting from the Vedic age, through the medieval age to how it has all evolved in the current century and the challenges posed before it. Our goal is to present accurate portrayal of various aspects of spirituality and make people more aware so that they can stand up for themselves and differentiate between real and fake.

“A spiritual master does not teach, but touches our heart”, hence we would also be sharing our own spiritual learning, observation of contemporary spirituality and the kinds, based on whatever has touched our hearts.

Welcome on to this journey with us for all things spiritual emerging from India with a global touch. Let’s #MakeSpiritualityViral



India’s Spiritual Connect
India’s Spiritual Connect

Welcome on to this journey with us for all things spiritual emerging from India with an international touch. Come join us! #makespiritualityviral