Is Spirituality Simple or Complex?
The universal and inherent nature of spirituality is quite simple
Spirituality was, is and will be simple by nature.
Spirituality is inherently simple by nature. It’s complex nature is a man-made imposition on it. The onus of interpreting spiritual aphorisms lies with the enlightened beings, saints, pundits etc. The genuine beings have tried to simplify spirituality so that even on ordinary man could relate to it. However, few people have presented it in complex form in order to gain attention or run their religious businesses. They feared that if people realized the simplicity of spirituality, their importance would diminish. And in doing so, they have tormented human race as people followed them blindly in the name of faith.
Secondly, the spiritual ideas and philosophies may sound impressive to hear, but what if they cannot be practiced in our daily life? Our holy scriptures, our philosophy has to be transformed into practice-able form for mankind to derive its real benefits.
Let’s call it #SimplifiedSpirituality #PraticableSpirituality
Philosophers like LaoTsu, Socrates, Plato, Buddha, MorariBapu etc. have simplified spirituality to such an extent that even ordinary humans could relate to it and practice the same in worldly life. They have made is relevant to the contemporary time and place.
A spiritual discipline (saadhna) or a spiritual practice need not be practiced in life. It should not be part of life. In fact, it’s a synonym of life.
Life itself is a spiritual practice.
This very thought transforms the whole outlook towards life. It becomes a game-changer. It breaks all barriers and gives us an infinite space for our practice. It becomes our state of being, our very nature. Now in the Twenty-First Century, we need this more than ever.
Do share your thoughts and comments on how you perceive the idea of spirituality?
Let’s #makespiritualityviral.
(Source of Idea: My spiritual mentor)
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