Truth: Theory & Practice

India’s Spiritual Connect
India’s Spiritual Connect
4 min readJun 17, 2020
Photo by Jerry Zhang on Unsplash

One of the Many Definitions of Truth from ‘Ram Charit Manas’

              धर्म न दूसर सत्य समाना | आगम निगम पुराण बखाना ||
Dharma Na Dusar Satya Samana | Aagam Nigam Purana Bakhana ||

There is no righteousness equal to Truth: so declare the Agamas (scriptures), Vedas & Puranas. (Source: RamCharitManas, Ayodhyakand-95)

My Truth, Your Truth & Our Truth — The struggle with Truth

First there is ‘my truth’, then there is ‘your truth’ and lastly, there is ‘universal truth’. ‘My truth’ is something that comes true in my experience of life. ‘Your truth’ is what you feel is true in your experience. The fact that the sun exists is ‘Universal truth’, which is our truth. Mind you, ‘my truth’ is an alternative of war. Being insistent on ‘my truth’ sows the seeds of conflict. While we are firm on our own truth i.e. ‘my truth’, we often fail to accept others’ truth. That’s where the struggle begins! Everyone’s realization of truth is personal and therefore, it’s utmost important to understand and accept truth at all three levels.

The Nature of Truth

The renowned phrase Satyameva Jayate (सत्यमेव जयते, truth always wins) could be true in our worldly life e.g. in the court of law the truth needs to be proved based on factual evidences. However, supreme-truth transcends the very idea of victory and defeat. It least cares whether we accept it or not! Also, it’s seldom at the mercy of being proven. Supreme truth is beyond the notion of all dualities like victory-defeat, acceptance-rejection etc. The path of truth eventually leads us to supreme truth! However, for us humans truth must only be accepted, unconditionally.

The nature of truth is not bitter, it’s utmost sweet, tender, gentle and delicate. A practitioner of truth will as well become equally sweet, tender, gentle and delicate.

Truth is simple, it’s not complicated at all. Complicated are lies! Truth is one, though it can be expressed in multiple ways i.e. “Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha Vadanti” (एकम सत विप्रा बहुधा वदन्ति, there is only one truth, however the wise express it in many ways).

Truth is neither a principle, nor an element, it’s the juice (rasa). It’s not stagnant either, it’s ever-flowing like a river and hence, it brings us a new experience every day.

The abode of truth is our tongue. Truth is often depicted in white color. In Indian philosophy, Lord Ram is considered as an embodiment of Truth.

Truth in Practice

Speak the truth which is pleasing to everyone’s ears. Or else remain silent. While you speak the truth, present it with humility instead of being aggressive. While one can practice truth in life, forcing others to practice the same is a form of subtle violence. Force by very nature is violence. While I cannot practice truth 100%, I at least try to speak as close to truth as possible. I have also realized the three levels of practicing truth: thoughts, words & deeds, each more tougher than the former. While I can often think truthfully, it’s tough to utter that truth and even tougher to put into action. I am still trying to perfect this art every day.

Truth makes you fearless in life!

It’s worthwhile to note that truth instantly makes you fearless. If you feel fearful in life, introspect whether you have not been truthful in any aspect of your life. Fearlessness eventually brings you peace.

My Journey to Accepting the Truth

I have come across many truths in my life which were difficult to face, let alone being accepted. It took years for me to process those feelings with calm consciousness. However, I have eventually learned to accept those truths, not with fury, but with grace. I strongly realized that when I did accept the truth, the very struggle, friction and fight with my own self had ended! I was more at peace. The fact is that truth cannot be denied, sooner or later it ought to be accepted, then why not gracefully? Embrace it with your heart, and it will set you free much sooner than you can imagine. It will pacify you. I have also realized that acceptance is the key to a struggle-free life. It would open up several new avenues for you, because now you are not insistent and stuck on what you could not accept. As I write this, I am still learning, practicing and experimenting what has been sowed in my consciousness.

Often unconsciously and rarely consciously, I have been trying to practice whatever my spiritual master has sowed deep into my consciousness. My life is my laboratory where I experiment His aphorisms. As a result, my experiences and realizations often leave me awestruck!

I would love to hear your personal experience with Truth in theory and practice, do leave your thoughts and comments.

Let’s #makespiritualityviral.

(Credits: Morari Bapu describes the quintessence of his entire journey of life as Truth, Love & Compassion. The above excerpts are based on His discourse, added with my personal experiences)

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