Truth, Love, Compassion!

Series Introduction: Contemporary Religion Redefined

India’s Spiritual Connect
India’s Spiritual Connect
3 min readJun 16, 2020



Indian philosophy has described innumerable values, three of which being Truth, Love & Compassion, each more subtle than the former. These values have been derived as the quintessence of countless holy scriptures. While I don’t argue that this is the only quintessence one can derive from the depths of our philosophy, for me personally the path of Truth, Love & Compassion would be enough for all lifetimes. Gautam Buddha promulgated truth, non-violence, compassion, mercy, friendliness, peace and harmony. Mahavira could not stress enough on non-violence. Jesus Christ said, “Love is God and God is Love.” Plato believed in truth, good and beauty. Socrates emphasized the values of self-mastery, endurance of physical pain, and self-sufficiency. All wise think alike. Morari Bapu describes the quintessence of his entire journey of life as Truth, Love & Compassion. I would like to present a series on each of these values based on His discourses and my personal experiences. Indian philosophy is unfathomable and the following ideas are just an iota of a drop of the ocean.

Contemporary Definition of Religion: Truth, Love & Compassion

Bapu defines religion as Truth, Love & Compassion. Which religion can deny these values? Our conventional idea of being religious as imposed on our minds since centuries is often confined to visiting temples or churches, observing fasts etc. etc. If you contemplate on the above definition of religion, it goes beyond the boundaries of countries and continents. It’s a cosmic definition. It’s absolutely universal. Furthermore, these values are eternal, incessant & imperishable. For instance, our solar system, including the sun, is perishable. It would undoubtedly perish over time. However, these values being imperishable, would go beyond ages and stand the test of time.

In my view, this is the “spiritual definition of religion”, instead of religious definition of religion. One can be atheist and yet believe in these values. One can deny being religious and yet be spiritual, for there is a fine line between being religious and being spiritual. Religions are sometimes violent and often bigot, but spirituality is not. Spirituality is about being true to your own nature (truth), loving everyone unconditionally (love) and being compassionate for all elements of the Universe, whether living or non-living (compassion).

The Need of The Hour

Today, as the world struggles with violence, injustice, discrimination, conspiracy, spite and the kinds, these values appear utmost relevant. The world, for once, need more spiritual souls, than religious people.

Humans are becoming more and more global. Technology has exceedingly helped in overcoming the constraints of time and space. In this era of globalization, humans need a common cord which can bind everyone together. The idea of #OneWorldOneReligion and #GlobalCitizen seems to be relevant more than ever.

I often wonder if the authoritarians of various religions would ever muster courage to revisit our scriptures and reform them with commonly agreed upon universal definitions such as Truth, Love & Compassion?

Do leave your thoughts and comments on what is your view of religion and spirituality.

Let’s #makespiritualityviral.

(Credits: Morari Bapu describes the quintessence of his entire journey of life as Truth, Love & Compassion. The above excerpts are from his discourse, added with my personal experiences)

#Buddha #Socrates #Plato #Mahavir #JesusChrist #MorariBapu #Truth #Love #Compassion #TruthLoveCompassion #SanatanDharma #India #Spirituality #Religion #Wellness #fearless



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