Run, Founder, Run

Jonathan Struhl
Indicator Ventures
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2019

One of the most important aspects of being an entrepreneur is taking care of your physical and mental health. Although a light has been shined on entrepreneurial health and wellness as of late, it’s never enough. At Indicator Ventures, we invest in people first, and it’s those people’s well being that should be front and center.

Being an entrepreneur is a lonely, always-on struggle that can jade you over time. It’s the constant obsession with the problem you’re trying to solve, the highs and lows, the wins and losses, the late nights and early mornings that inherently come with building something innovative and scalable. It’s a goat rodeo where many things simultaneously have to go right for you to get out alive.

To build a great business you must be happy, healthy and operating close to 100%. I cannot stress how important it is for entrepreneurs to take care of their mind and body. Here’s a little secret…

go for a RUN!

I started running in college to help cope with stress, and it is now one of the most important and consistent parts of my life.

Running can be a daunting task if you’re just getting started. Here are a few tips to help you get up and get out:

  1. Slow down. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking it down a few notches is the first step to getting a grip on your pace.
  2. Don’t be afraid to run-walk.
  3. Don’t compare yourself. Let go of expectations.
  4. Set a goal before each run. Track your progress (Nike Run, Strava)
  5. The 40% rule — When you think you’re done, you’re only 40% done. The more you run the better you get — its very binary.

The physical benefits of running are obvious, such as improving cardiovascular health, weight loss, and building muscle. But the best part of running is the benefit to your mental health and overall energy level. Runners high is a real thing!

*it’s also FREE!

Not only are there mental and physical health benefits gained from running, but you will learn the important skills of goal setting and perseverance. Running reinforces that “you can do it” mentality and teaches you that you can push yourself way past your limits. It builds a callous on your mind and adds a great feeling of accomplishment to your day. It’s important to set achievable goals outside of work and accomplish them (everyone needs little wins) — running is the best way to do it.

An additional tip for those who can — ditch the music which is time-stamped, meaning you have to begin a new song with a new beat every 3–4 minutes. Instead, try listening to podcasts such as How I Built This, Masters of Scale, A16Z, etc. Podcasts (or even audiobooks) will not only help gain valuable knowledge, but they will help you zone out to the point you might not even realize you’re running.

I run pretty much every day around NYC. If you’re interested in getting started, have any questions or just want a running buddy, shoot me a note: or find me on twitter @struhl.

p.s. don’t forget to stretch!



Jonathan Struhl
Indicator Ventures

Managing Partner @indicatorVC | Photoshop Lover | Guitar Hero | Floridian | Runner