( FINMA) of Switzerland publishes ICO guidelines and framework will India follow? Updates on our plan.

Varad Shambhawa
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2018

-ICO Guideline focus on the function & transferability of #Tokens as follows:

1. #Payment ICOs: For ICOs where the token is intended to function as a means of payment & can already be transferred, It will require compliance with anti-money laundering regulations. It will not, however, treat such tokens as securities.

2. #Utility ICOs: These tokens do not qualify as securities only if their sole purpose is to confer digital access rights to an application or service and if the utility token can already be used in this way at the point of issue. If a utility token functions solely or partially as an investment in economic terms, FINMA will treat such tokens as securities

3. #Asset ICOs: FINMA regards asset tokens as securities, which means that there are securities law requirements for trading in such tokens, as well as civil law requirements under the Swiss Code of Obligations

Can Guidelines and framework could be used as the standard by which developed or developing countries follow their versions .

Will India follow this or would be looking for a few more loopholes to capitalize after?

The world has been moving with a exponential speed in the field of blockchain but India has chosen its traditional way of setting up a new industry.

With the new Guidelines by the Indian Government prohibiting dealings in crytpocurrency, Now Only time would tell how Indian players would turn out to be in this new building market.

The same would be sooner or later adopted by the Indian Lawmakers but when? is the question, Thus we as the Indian citizen would be halting all our cryptocurrency development just to comply with the legal grounds and the laws in the country and wait for the positive fresh framework to apply licenses for to come back and BUILD in the space again for the community which waits.



Varad Shambhawa

Community Enabler - Indi || Founder - IndiText Labs.