Published in
11 min readSep 1, 2017

You can earn IndiCoins by participating in any of our community build up campaigns leading up to and during the PRESALE and Token Sale (PRESALE launching September 10, 2017). The complete bounty pool is 400,000 STAKES (equating to 1% of the INDI token available at TOKEN SALE or the equivalent value in ETH post-TOKEN SALE (at the time of the PRESALE 400,000 Stakes will worth 4,000,000 rupees) to be split between this program and technical reviews.

There are 6 bounty campaign categories you may wish to apply for. Each category will have a fixed allocated bounty pool

  1. Medium, Slack, Telegram and Email Subscription
  2. Social Media Campaigns (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Blogs)
  3. Signature/Avatar Campaign
  4. Community Manager Campaign (Pre-application is required)
  5. Translations Campaign (Pre-application is required)
  6. Investor Referral

To participate you will need to submit the bounty application via the online form. The form is very simple and quick to fill and will assist us in determining the fairest way to distribute the bounties — Links to the application forms are available in each bounty campaign descriptions below. However, all are same.

The process we distribute the bounty differs slightly for each campaign, but nonetheless, it’s quite straightforward. Any remaining funds in the bounty after paying out all the bounties will be kept in the social vault for the future reward distribution. (i.e. due to individual campaign bounty pool cap).
Please do not forget to submit the form once you have completed going through the requirements for the bounty!!

By applying to one of the bounty campaign categories, you agree to the terms and conditions of the IndiCoin Community Buildup program as set forth herein. Below are the detail required for each bounty category:

Medium Follow, Slack, Telegram & Email Subscription (Bounty Pool = 60,000 STAKES)

Follow us on Medium, join our Slack, Telegram channel and subscribe newsletter to receive a maximum of 35 Stakes.(If you already followed us on Medium or Slack community, do not forget to apply for this bounty!)

[ Terms and Conditions]

  • Only one account registration from the same IP;
  • The user must participate in the Slack community until the end of the TOKEN SALE;
  • Any abuse will be banned and reported immediately.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your crypto exchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your INDI tokens if you use crypto exchange wallet address (applicable to all campaigns).

[ Distribution and stake ]
Applications which meet the above conditions will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  • Medium followers are eligible for 12 Stakes.
  • Slack subscribers are eligible for 12 Stakes.
  • Email subscribers are eligible for 6 stakes.
  • Join Telegram Group & Channel for 5 Stakes.

Submit application via link including your email, and Slack username (Only one application required only for each Medium follow or Subscription)
You can subscribe to our newsletter at our website by just entering your email Id.


Social Media Activity Campaigns (Bounty Pool = 72,000 Stakes)

Spread the word! Twitter, Facebook, YouTube or Blog

1. Twitter — 18,000 Stakes

Provide Twitter ID via application form including the link to each tweet/retweet.

[Terms and conditions]

Follow us on Twitter @IndiCoin for our latest insights and retweet our news to your group, friends, and followers.

  • Follow us on Twitter: 3 Stakes
  • Make your own tweets about INDICOIN: 2 Stakes
  • Comment & like on tweets made by INDICOIN official twitter: 1 Stakes
  • For every retweet or Mention:
    a. Stake for 100–300 followers: 3
    b. Stakes for 300–1,000 followers: 5
    c. Stakes for 1,000+ followers: 7

To determine your Twitter bounty stakes, IndiCoin needs permission to review your timeline posts. No personal data will be stored or shared with third parties.

This bounty program will close when either the IndiCoin Token Sale has ended or the maximum amount has been reached.

Account requirements: Your recent Twitter audit must be over 80% and the majority of followers should be crypto orientated.
Activities from the new account will not be counted.

[Twitter Conditions]

  • You must be following @IndiCoin for the duration of the Presale and Token Sale.
  • We will count only 1 tweet and only 1 comment per day.
  • Only 1 comment per IndiCoin tweet will be awarded.
  • #INDICOIN must be included in each tweet and comment. We will not count the tweets without it.
  • No spamming! Read our news, blog, and whitepaper to gather the information but do not copy paste content from there.
  • Maximum of 200 stakes will be allocated to each person and not more than that.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your crypto exchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your INDI tokens if you use crypto exchange wallet address.
  • Tweets/Retweets and Mentions must be appropriate and not devalue IndiCoin.

[How to join]

  • Follow our @Indi_coin Twitter.
  • Check the terms and rules. Make sure your Twitter account meets the requirements.
  • CAREFULLY fill out the form. We will not be able to accept your data or transfer the tokens if you enter incorrect data.

[Twitter Bounty Distribution]
Applications who meet the above conditions will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

2. Facebook 12,000 Stakes

Provide Facebook account name and link to each post (like/share/activity) including date and time via the application form.

[Facebook Conditions]

  • You must Like the IndiCoin Facebook page for the duration of the PRESALE & TOKEN SALE.
  • Any comment/post must be appropriate and not devalue IndiCoin.
  • Only 1 comment per user on each IndiCoin Facebook post will be awarded.
  • Maximum of 200 stakes will be allocated to each person and not more than that.
  • A group if created must have one of our team members to keep an eye on proceedings for allocating bounty and there must not be less than 1000 members.
  • Posts from our official page must be re-posted regularly on the group otherwise you will not be liable for bounty.

[Facebook Bounty Distribution]
Applicants will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

You must first “like” our Facebook page for your stakes to count. After liking our page:

  • Like and Comment on our post (minimum 30 characters per comment maximum of 1 comment per post): 3 Stakes
  • “Public” share of our post (only using “share” function from the original post, private or friends only posts do not count): 5 Stakes
  • Make a close group with one of our team members to receive: 2000 stakes
  • Tag us on your story about INDICOIN on INSTAGRAM or Facebook to get: 2 stakes

To determine your Facebook bounty stakes, IndiCoin needs permission to review your Timeline posts. No personal data will be stored or shared with third parties.

This bounty program will close when either the IndiCoin PRESALE has ended or the maximum amount has been reached.

[How to join]
Fill out the form carefully — Apply here

3. YouTube: 24,000 Stakes

[YouTube Conditions]

  • You must be subscribed to the IndiCoin YouTube channel for the duration of the PRESALE and Token Sale.
  • Any commentary must be appropriate and not devalue IndiCoin.
  • Only 1 comment per IndiCoin video will be awarded.

[Youtube Bounty Condition]
Applications who meet the above conditions will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.
You must first follow our YouTube channel for your stakes to count.

After following our channel:

  • Like our video: 1 stake
  • Comment on our video (minimum 30 characters per comment, maximum of 1 comment per video): 2 stake
  • Make INDICOIN promotional video (minimum 1 minute).
    100–500 Subscriber: 30 stakes
    500 and above Subscriber: 50 stakes
  • Make a video about your experience with and send to us and get 50 stakes.
    (For reference about how to make such video go and watch it at our youtube channel)
    *Stakes depend on quality and content of the video.

[How to join]

  • Subscribe our @Indi_coin youtube channel.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your crypto exchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your INDI tokens if you use crypto exchange wallet address.
  • CAREFULLY fill out the form. We will not be able to accept your data or transfer the tokens if you enter incorrect data.

Blog Posts: 18,000 Stakes

Create a Blog Post to receive 8–32 stakes per eligible blog post.
You can post your blog at steemit or medium or any blogging site to receive stakes.
You must provide the link to the blog post in the application form.

[Blog Conditions]
Apply here

The blog must:

  • Have minimum 500 words.
  • Include at least 2 links to IndiCoin, our website, and one other
    a. Youtube channel
    b. Press Release
    c. ICO Alert
    d. Telegram channel
    e. Slack group
  • Be public
  • Have a minimum 200 views;
  • Not manipulate the view counts
  • Be cryptocurrency related
  • Promote IndiCoin or the IndiCoin PRESALE and Token Sale.

[Blog Bounty Distribution]

  • Blog posts reaching 200+ views — 8 stakes Good
  • Blog post reaching up to 500+ views — 16 stakes Moderate
  • Blog posts reaching up to 1000+ views — 32 stakes BEST

BitcoinTalk Signature & Avatar Campaign (Bounty Pool = 48,000 Stakes)

Use the IndiCoin signature and/or avatar below to receive IndiCoins.

[BitcoinTalk Signature & Avatar Conditions]
The candidate:

  • Posts must be relevant to the forum.
  • One must create 50 posts with the avatar and signature throughout the campaign.
  • Posts should not devalue IndiCoin or the Token Sale.
  • One must maintain Avatar or Signature until/during the Token Sale.
  • One must not use multiple accounts or spam (abuse will be reported to appropriate mediators and applicant will be permanently disqualified from the campaign)

[BitcoinTalk Signatures & Avatar Bounty Distribution]
Bounties will be provided on a weekly basis to successful applicants as below (upon conditions met):

  • Legendary/Hero: 25 Stakes
  • Sr./Full: 20 Stakes
  • Member: 15 Stakes
  • Jr. Member: 10 Stakes

Below are the Avatars and Signatures to be used:



Community Manager Campaign (Bounty Pool = 24,000 stakes)

The Community Manager must create and manage a Country Specific Community Room of 50+ members

Create a community (e.g. WeChat and QQ for China,, for Russia, LINE for Japan, WhatsApp or a just simple Slack channel), telegram channel with a total of 50 members to receive 450 INDI.

Community members will be registered on our website for as long as you wish, or until we deem appropriate (note this may extend beyond the Token Sale period).


  • Understand the basics of IndiCoin (what it is and how it works);
  • Organise a country specific community (e.g. chat room, Slack, etc);
  • Manage the channel appropriately until the conclusion of the Token Sale (i.e. answer all questions appropriately, ensure IndiCoin is promoted, etc).
  • Increase community size to receive higher stakes.
  • The community manager must make efforts for promotion of Indicoin in their groups.
  • To keep an eye on proceedings you must add a member of our team who will allocate the bounties.


  • Community reaching 50+ members — 20 stakes
  • Community reaching 100 + members — 50 stakes
  • Community reaching 150 + members — 100 stakes

[Application for the complete Community Manager Campaign]
Pre-application is required in order for the IndiCoin team to vet appropriate Community Managers. We thank you for your understanding that all pre-application may not be accepted. The relevant form is available at this link:

Translation Campaign (Bounty Pool = 45,000 Stakes)


  • Translate our main Bitcointalk ANN thread opening post to your language and start a new local thread.
  • The maximum number of participants is 15. The signup form will be removed after the limit has been reached.
  • There can only be one participant per language.
  • Your Bitcointalk account must not have a negative trust.
  • You should have similar working experience. Do not forget to enter the links to your previous work in the signup form.
  • You should not use any translation services, otherwise, you will be disqualified.
  • The local thread opening post must contain the link to the main ANN thread.
  • You are fully responsible for the thread after translation. Do not allow spam or off-topic messages, you will have to control the thread and keep it on topic.
  • All confirmed participants will manage our official ANN local threads, so we are are looking for experienced and reliable people to collaborate with us. We will contact the candidates personally to discuss the details.
  • Use your own ETH address to get the bounty tokens. NEVER use your crypto-exchange Ethereum wallet. You will not have access to your INDI tokens if you use crypto-exchange wallet address!
  • To be eligible you must use proper language, i.e. the use of google translation will not be considered for the fulfillment of this bounty.

Bounties are available for the translation of the following IndiCoin content:(Note: additional bounties may be rewarded for translation updates if applicable!)

  • IndiCoin Press Release: 50 stakes
  • IndiCoin Token Sale Alert: 75 stakes.
  • Indicoin Whitepaper: 100 stakes

[How to join]

  • Check the terms and conditions. Make sure your Bitcointalk account meets the requirements.
  • CAREFULLY fill the form. We will not be able to accept your data or transfer the tokens if you enter incorrect data.
  • Do not write us on Bitcointalk, Slack, etc. after sending the signup form. We will review your data and contact you.

Pre-application is required in order for the IndiCoin team to vet appropriate candidates for the translation bounty. Thank you for your understanding that not all pre-application may be accepted. The relevant form is available at this link:

Investor Referral (Bounty Pool = 84,000 stakes)


After buying Indicoin, If you refer INDICOIN to your friend, relative or coworker to buy and if that person buys then you will be given free stakes.

  • 1–3 ETH investment: 480 INDI
  • 4–7 ETH investment: 1440 INDI
  • 8–13 ETH investment: 2760 INDI
  • 14–20 ETH investment: 5080 INDI
  • 20+ ETH investment: 10300 INDI

For users buying in INR, every 1000 rupee 1 stakes will be given.

This bounty program will close when either the IndiCoin Token Sale has ended or the maximum amount has been reached.

[Referral Conditions]

  • You must provide the name and email address of the persons you refer to.
  • We will verify the name and email address of the investor you provided.

[Referral Bounty Distribution]
Applicants will be awarded on a first-come-first-serve basis.

Bounty Tracker Google Sheet

You can track the progress of your bounties in our public Google Sheets. Updates to the sheet will be made on a weekly basis.


It is IndiCoin’s discretion to decide whether or not the criteria to qualify for a bounty allocation are fulfilled.

Awarding of bounties may be withheld at the discretion of the IndiCoin team, but it’s pretty straight forward so I am sure most, if not all, candidates will be awarded — so long as the conditions are met. Additional bounties may be awarded at IndiCoin’s discretion in the event that there are leftover INDI in the complete bounty allocation pool.

Any disputes arising in connection with the IndiCoin Bounty Program shall be exclusively decided by the courts of the city of New Delhi and in accordance with Indian law.

Learn more about INDICOIN HERE




Eternalising kɐɽmɐ onChain| $INDI since’16. Indicoin | Indies | IndiVerse.