photo © jim metzger

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indie ain’t all it’s knocked up to be
2 min readSep 17, 2014


and stop living your life in dog years.

a good day is when you realize you’re doing the right thing:

people that matter connect with who you are and with what you’re doing right now.

the light at the end of the tunnel becomes ephemera. train or not, it’s almost here.

there’s a soft bask to that … i could almost fall backwards into a fluffy cloud of release, and then after the fall when i come back to earth, it’s somehow a bit softer and more ordered.

every step you take on this walk is risky business. and everywhere you look is the beaten down, the jaded, the jealous, the fearful … sometimes smug and stupid gets all bundled up into that too. but not if it’s a good day.

a good day shines brightly, but not so bright as to blind you, tauntingly, as it forces you to cast your gaze elsewhere. filtered through september haze, today was a pretty good day.

a good day is when you can step away from the piles of little scraps of paper, and white boards, and social media, because you actually feel like playing your fucking guitar. because it’s finally coming together.

and it’s organic, like it just happened on its own. that was easy.

but though the day was good, the years were not kind - that is, the years that led to this one good day. not to say there hadn’t been plenty of good days … good days, bad days, days you want to last forever, followed by ones you’ll soon forget. moments in time raining like thunder as they disappear into the cacophinous sea of moments, lost in an instant if no words or images are assigned.

on this good day, i assign this page. i’ll make another one tomorrow.

for art’s sake, i’m not trying to be accountable. it’s more like i think that if i create more, i will probably have more good days. even if this turns out, occasionally, to be irrelevant psychotremetric babbling, it still means i made something.

that’s the vampire moment, when i’m exsanguinating whatever is left of an idea and making it mine. art exists only in the moments of its creation. everything else, is interpretation.

you take that, and do what you will. on any good day.



indie ain’t all it’s knocked up to be

musician, editor, sommelier, world class wino, author, pinot-phile, general all-around wise-ass with a lotta tricks up my sleeve