How To Create a CI/CD Pipeline With GitHub And SemaphoreCI for iOS Projects Step by Step.

From GitHub repository to TestFlight using Fastlane for iOS

Diego Jimenez
Indie Dev Life


CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (or Continuous Deployment). It is a software development practice that focuses on streamlining the building, testing, and delivery of code changes to production.

In the context of an iOS project, CI/CD involves automating the process of building, testing, and delivering the app to the App Store. This typically involves setting up a build server that can automatically pull code changes from a source code repository (such as GitHub), build the app using a build system (such as Xcode), run automated tests to verify that the app works correctly, and then package and distribute the app to the App Store.

Here’s a breakdown of the main steps involved in a typical CI/CD pipeline for an iOS project:

Source code management

The iOS project’s source code is stored in a version control system (such as Git), which allows multiple developers to collaborate on the same codebase and track changes over time.

Automated builds

