How Did the Post-Production of My Feature Film “Anna & Modern Day Slavery” Go?

Marketing and promotion are an integral part of the film business, and it doesn’t matter whether you are targeting a local or global audience.

M. Olchawska
Indie Filmmaking School



At first, I tried to keep everyone who was directly involved, or who contributed to my film, in the loop with emails, tweets and FB posts. But when life demands started crowding me, I needed to focus on my main priority. At that time it was delivering the final cut.

During the initial post-production phase, one of my producers, Heather Payer-Smith, offered to build a website for our film. Since we had no money to spare on that, Heather managed to do a fantastic job using Weebly. She was also responsible for creating our first trailer, which she made entirely out of still photos and designed a red ribbon — a symbol that we had been using in our campaign representing slavery. She was a great help and was the last person from our team to move onto other projects.

You should check out what Heather is up to now. She does a lot of fantastic work, not only in media but also in helping homeless animals.



M. Olchawska
Indie Filmmaking School

Award-Winning Filmmaker | Sustainability & FI Writer | Screenwriter | Content Producer & Creator | |