My up the Hill Journey Into Crowdfunding

If you don’t have strong online/social profiles or you don’t have a considerably big online following, you should focus on building your online presence first before crowdfunding your project.

M. Olchawska
Indie Filmmaking School


Photo by Chronis Yan on Unsplash

I’ve been making up stories ever since I can remember. I use film, video and a variety of writing outlets to express my creativity.

After making a few short films (some of them won awards at film festivals, some were watchable and some were simply made for practice, to put it mildly ‘cos no one ever should see them) and touring film festivals with them, I felt ready to direct and produce my first feature film.

At that time, I had a few feature film scripts on the go, and as every first-time director is told, I tried to go through all the official channels to get funded.

In Europe, it means talking to your local film funding agencies, national and regional film boards and approaching Media Desk, which is the European Union film and media funding body. That, combined with an unsuccessful search for private investors, left me drained and depressed.

In reality, nobody was seriously interested either in my films or script ideas. This is nothing personal since…



M. Olchawska
Indie Filmmaking School

Award-Winning Filmmaker | Sustainability & FI Writer | Screenwriter | Content Producer & Creator | |