What it takes to build a web based game application

Adam Hopkins
Indie Game Devlogs
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2017

Update #1 — Dusting and Polishing

Twenty years programming. Its scary to think that anything I have been doing anything over that 20 year mark. Afterall, I am still in my 30s, working on my second career as a programmer. What is it that brought me into programming in the first place?

Ultimate Diplomacy. What is that? Well, it is a game that I created by mashing together a number of concepts and other games for inspiration when I was a teenager. Over the years, I took the game through various paces of development, and operation. And, in that time period I developed as a programmer.

Fast forward to today when I am a full time developer now (after having spent a number of years practicing as a lawyer.) Perhaps now it is time to dust my game off the shelf. Look over my notes again, and see if I can finally build the game and the community I have dreamt about.

Introducing Dynasties.

It is the next generation of my game in a much grander fashion. It is hard to reveal all the details since they are still being worked out. But, let’s provide an overview and see what exactly it will take to develop this game and release it for public consumption.

What is it?

In its simplest terms, it is a simulation game where each player is charged with the creation of a family dynasty set in Medieval times. Each player controls characters and military units and must interact with the other players to advance. The goal is to have an open ended game play to allow for a variety of strategies. One of the more interesting features is that the game is meant to be self-policing. In that, I mean that the players of the game act to make decisions about the game and can even during the course of the game change the rules.

How is it built?

Well, as I said, it has largely been the brain child through which I developed as a programmer. The latest iteration is being built as a web app, that will also be available for play through an app. Its backend is powered by Django (and also Channels and DRF). The frontend is built in a framework I created myself called PorterJS.

Where is it going?

Right now I am working through the rebuild of the web app and game engine. Also, I am in the process of recodifying the rulebook and getting the community back on its feet after a nearly 10 year hiatus.

If you want to learn more, I will be posting more updates on the GameDev Blog, and you can checkout and signup for the forums.

