Global Game Jam 

48 to do a game

Julio Matos
Indie Games


At last weekend, I was participating at Global Game Jam and created, with my team, a game called inFantasy.

We formed a group of Artists, Developers and Game Designers and choose Unity like tool for developing. The results, after 48h, you can see at vídeo.

We learning so much about the Unit Tool, but we have had problems with colaborative work when we was using that tool. We not have found a way to work at the same project, in the same time, with more then one developer. We had many poroblems with “overwriting” in the project, and probably we lost much more time as the necessary.

Unfortunately, because of problems we have had what reducing the project to 60% less then first draft. In a game project, plan and arrange must be the top of our objectives. GGJ is amazing for support this experiences and test your capabilities!

Thanks for your reading and sorry for my bad english ☺

Starting at left, standing: Gabriel Marcon (developer) Lucas Molina (Game Design e Artist) Reinaldo Schiehll (Developer), Leonardo Lima (Developer), Rafael Sinotti (Artist) Rock Barcelos (Artist). Crouched: João Borges (developer), Julio Matos (Game Designer), Tiago Junges (Game Designer).



Julio Matos
Indie Games

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