Ode To Rosa — Official Trailer

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Indie Sights and Sounds
1 min readMay 28, 2015



Film by Eulonda Kay Lea

When Charles Houston (Derek Thomas Stokes, Jr.), a happy go lucky bus driver, agrees to work the worst bus route in the city, we see what happens when out of control passengers refuse to honor the civil rights movement and respect the ride.______Eulonda Kay Lea

This film sounds and looks interesting. I can imagine this story is going on right now. There are people in real life that do not honor the civil rights movement. As time goes by, people change. Time changes too. However, if the civil rights movement was still going on from the old days, people’s way of thinking wouldn’t be any different than those of the civil rights movement. Sometimes it looks as if those days are trying to come back. Whether those days do or not, people of today still may think differently. People are studying history, and they have seen what went on in the past. They are a different generation and might be wiser. I’m curious to see what this film is all about.

