The Parallax Parallel (2009)

Gail Nobles_The InkPost
Indie Sights and Sounds
1 min readAug 22, 2015

During a heavy rainstorm, a man drives miles outside of town on Christmas Eve to find a special gift for his autistic daughter. After his car breaks down on his way home, and his cell phone stops working. He searches for help and finds himself in a strange bar, with a strange bartender, and an even stranger bar patron. The collision course of his world and theirs brings about supernatural consequences.

This kind of movie reminds me of a Twilight Zone film. A man ends up in a bar and things seem unreal and scary to him with the bartender and the bar patron. It’s a short film leaving you wondering what will happen next with the man. At the end of the film, I think the man did a good thing by walking away from the strange supernatural things he was hearing and seeing. But the bartender leaves you in suspense saying, “He’ll be back”.

