About IndieData

Harry Stevens
Published in
1 min readJul 23, 2017

IndieData is an independent blog about working with open data in India.

Who is it for?

Data journalists, researchers, and technologists working with open data and source code.

What are its goals?

  • Provide a forum for open data practitioners in India to share and catalogue their discoveries in a structured and organized way.
  • Document the problems and big ideas to enhance the overall ecosystem of open data.
  • Make each other aware of solutions to common problems and useful sources of data and information.
  • Foster a community of people working with open data in India.

Why is it needed?

Working with open data in India is hard; IndieData will make it easier by letting people share discoveries and ideas. Though open data practitioners in India already collaborate with each other, they do not do so in the manner envisioned by IndieData.

DataMeet organizes open data camps, shares lots of open source code on GitHub, posts tutorials from time to time, and even hosts a jobs board. IndieData is more focused. It’s just a blog. It’s hosted on Medium because this is the ideal platform for encouraging anyone to contribute. If you have a good idea for a post, you can contribute to IndieData.

Hacks/Hackers is also a vibrant and useful community, but it emphasizes in-person meetings over thoughtful digital communication. It is also international in scope, whereas IndieData focuses on India. Finally, while IndieData will post content useful for journalists, it will also be useful to people working in other fields.



Harry Stevens

Stories, code and graphics at The Hindustan Times. New Delhi, India.